Content A - Z
- A bright future with the Patient Engagement Open Forum
- A call for patients to interact with eTRIKS project: help shape the future of how medical research is shared!
- A Coherent Approach Essential to Make Empowerment A Reality
- A common statement to allow vital EU health research
- A day to promote responsible use of antibiotics
- A European Council for Health Research including a patient perspective?
- A flavour of EPF’s position on the Medical Devices Proposal
- A glimpse of our 2012 Annual Report
- A History of EPF
- A Joint response to the European Commission’s Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe
- A Model for Patients' Involvement in HTA
- A new Joint Action on Chronic Disease in sight
- A new model for working with Medical Societies
- A new step for Health Technology Assessment
- A Pact For Patient Safety
- A Patient Access Partnership in Bulgaria
- A Patient Access Partnership in Bulgaria
- A patient course to understand clinical research in cancer
- A patient journey through Europe
- A patient-centred approach to regulatory affairs
- A patient-centred vision for Unmet medical needs
- A Positive Meeting with Commissioner Kyriakides regarding the EU4Health Programme and funding for NGOs
- A Roadmap to Achieve Universal Health Coverage for All
- A streamlined proposal to facilitate clinical trials
- A strong Patients' Movement in Slovakia
- A survey on risks and Benefits for patients and families
- A sustainable framework for biosimilars medicines in Europe
- A toolkit to help you make your way through the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive
- A video to understand the InterQuality project
- A working group to develop a long-term strategy on patient/public health organisations' role and sustainability
- A year into PARADIGM to advance patient engagement in medicines development
- About
- About the NEF Fund
- Access to Healthcare
- Access to Healthcare Survey Report – What Patients Tell Us
- Access to Medicines
- Accessing healthcare abroad: a European network of patients’ contact points
- Accounts 2005-2006
- Accounts 2007-2008
- Act now for Patient Empowerment!
- Act now for Patient Empowerment!
- Action plans of Healthy and Active Ageing
- ADAPT SMART General Assembly: Patients’ Views at the Centre
- ADAPT SMART project kicks off
- ADAPT SMART: call for patient representatives
- Adherence
- AdHopHTA
- Adopt Health Technology Assessment at Hospital
- Advancing patients’ access to medicines in the pharmaceutical legislation
- Advocacy 101 – a free-of-charge, online advocacy course for young patients
- Advocacy Campaigns
- Aedan Kaal
- Ageing
- Ageing with HIV
- AGM & Leadership Meeting 2018
- AGM 2010 Presentations and Documents
- AGM 2015 - Board candidates
- AGM 2018: we are not only a budget line, we are patients.
- AGM 2019: farewell to our Secretary General, Nicola Bedlington and what lies ahead for EPF
- AGM 2022
- AGM 2022
- AGM 2023
- AGM 2024
- AGM 2024
- AI in Healthcare: Advancing Patient-Centric Care through Co-design and Responsible Implementation
- AI Knowledge Hub
- AI Research and Policy Resources
- AI Training & Capacity Building Resources
- AI Webinar Series
- Albino Bruno
- Aline Lefèvre
- All files
- Alzheimer Europe
- Amanda Bok
- Amina Berbić
- Amplifying Patient Advocacy on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
- AMRC - Association of Medical Research Charities(2)
- An Ambitious Agreement on EU4Health Programme
- An app to report side-effects and get safety information: Give your opinion!
- An employment pact for patients with multiple sclerosis
- An Important Week for the Debates on Pricing and Reimbursement of Innovative Medicines
- An inclusive EU4Health Programme to better meet the needs of people in Europe
- An international survey on patient involvement in HTA
- An Open Memo to the Health Industry
- An update on eHealth with key stakeholders
- Anastasia Semaan
- Anca Toma
- Anders Olauson
- Andreas Christodoulou
- Animal Testing
- Anita Arsovska
- Anna Revilla Bruñol
- Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021 Recap
- Annual General Meeting 2021
- Annual Reports
- Annual Work Plan
- Annual Youth Meeting: kick-off the project EMPATHY
- AOECS - Association of European Coeliac Societies
- AOPP - Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights (Slovak Republic)
- APO - Alliance of Patient Organisations (Republic of North Macedonia)
- Applications are open for the 10th European Health Award!
- Apply now for Duchenne Patient Academy 2020
- Apply now for the EU Health Award!
- April 2014
- April 2015
- April 2016 – EPF Prominent Player in Health-Related Policy Dossiers
- April 2017 – EPF Annual General Meeting: Wider, Stronger, Louder
- Archives
- Associate Members
- August 2014
- August 2015
- August 2016 –Visual, Responsive and Reliable Communications
- Background papers
- BAG Selbsthilfe
- Balance Sheet - 2007-2008
- Balance Sheet & Accounts
- Balance Sheet 2005-2006
- Balance Sheet 2008-2009
- Balance Sheet 2009-2010
- Balance Sheet 2011-2010
- Balance Sheet 2012-2011
- Balance Sheet 2013-2012
- Balance Sheet 2014-2013
- Balance Sheet 2014-2015
- Balance Sheet 2015-2016
- Balance Sheet 2016-2017
- Balance Sheet 2017-2018
- Balance Sheet 2018-2019
- Balance Sheet 2019-2020
- Balance Sheet 2020-2021
- Balance Sheet 2021-2022
- Ball is in Council’s court to end health discrimination
- Bank Accounts
- BAPD - Bulgarian Association for Patients Defence
- Become a Member
- Benefits and risks discussed at the EFPIA Patient Think Tank
- Best Practices for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
- Better information to patients on food and nutrition
- Bianca Pop
- Bianka Tomózer
- Biologics and Biosimilars Exploratory Meeting in Brussels
- Birgit Dembski
- Black triangle on medicines under additional monitoring
- Blaž Urbanc
- BLOG - From Nurse to Equal Partner: Read the Story of Inge, IBD Belgian Patient
- Blog - Youth Cancer Europe 2017 Meeting – ‘Patients Are Not Alone’
- Blog: “Looking at health through a gender lens”
- BLOG: EUFAMI Celebrates ‘Home’ – Art for Better Mental Health
- BLOG: IDF Europe Celebrates World Diabetes Day in the EU Institutions!
- BLOG: Men, Work And Cancer - A Guide for Men Staying or Returning to Work after a Cancer Diagnosis
- Blog: Patients have a unique insight
- Blog: Patients organisations and clinical research
- BLOG: Social Media Milestones for the EPF Youth Group
- BLOG: We want equal access to health for all!
- BLOG: What Place for Healthcare in Ireland? Are there Implications for Europe?
- Blog: Why should patients care about the EU?
- BLOG: World Kidney Day 2018
- BLOG: World Mental Health Day: Wellbeing At Work Is An Asset
- Board election questionnaire
- Borislava Ananieva
- Breakfast Meeting of the MEP Interest Group on Brain, Mind and Pain
- Brexit: Maintaining the exchange of health data
- Brexit: our asks to prioritise patient safety and public health
- Brian West
- Bringing Patient Engagement to the EATRIS-Plus Annual Meeting
- Brussels 20KM Registration
- Building capacities with our national and European members
- Building on the Success of the Empowerment Campaign - Let's Explore the Roadmap!
- Building our members’ communications capacity
- Building the Capacity of Patient Organisations in Hungary
- Bulgaria
- Call for abstracts: Patients to change the face of healthcare
- Call for candidates for the Steering Group of the Patient-MedTech dialogue – Deadline 19 April
- Call for Feedback – the European Health Data Space initiative
- Call for greater involvement of patient organisations to address AMR
- Call for interest – EATRIS-Plus searching for patient advisory committee members
- Call for interest – Gravitate Health Project searching for User Advisory Group Members
- CALL FOR INTEREST – LABEL2ENABLE Searching For User Advisory Group Members
- Call for interest – PharmaLedger Project searching for Advisory Board Coordinators
- Call for Interest - Roadmap Initiative on Lay Summaries of Clinical Trials Results
- Call for Interest to participate in EPF cluster on nutrition
- Call for interest to take part in new EPF Working Group on Digital Health
- Call for interest to take part in new EPF Working Group on Digital Health
- Call for interest to take part in new EPF Working Group on Universal Access to Healthcare
- Call for Interest: Join the HEU-EFS Patient Advisory Group
- Call for Interest: Join the IDERHA Patient Advisory Board
- Call for interest: membership of the European Society of Radiology – Patient Advisory Group
- Call for interest: Patient contributors in the development of clinical nutrition guidelines and lay summaries
- Call for interest: Steering Group of the Patient-MedTech Dialogue
- Call for interest: Workshop on Access to and Uptake of Biosimilar Medicinal Products (20 June)
- Call for nominations for the EPF Board
- Call for patient advisors for the CORE-MD project: Evaluation of high-risk medical devices
- Call for patient organisations active in the field of anti-microbial research
- Call for Patient Representatives for the COMPAR-EU project
- Call for Patients EDiHTA
- Call for patients who have experienced Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
- Call for patients who have personal experience of cross-border healthcare
- Call for speaker on integration of care - European public health conference (Milan, 16 October 2015)
- Call on Payers to Improve Patients’ Access to Medicines
- Call on Payers to Improve Patients’ Access to Medicines
- Call to protect and strengthen meaningful Patient Involvement in EMA Decision-Making
- CALLIOPE Network
- Calls for Tender
- Campaign "Patients Prescribe" on patient empowerment
- Campaign for the 2014 EU Elections
- Campaign for the 2019 EU Elections
- Campaign leaflet in all EU languages
- Campaign on Access to Healthcare
- Campaign Video
- Capacity Building
- Capacity Building in Bulgaria: Fundraising 101
- Capacity Building Module on Empowering Leadership and Positive Governance 2018
- Capacity Building Module on Fundraising and Engagement 2021
- Capacity Building Programme – Fundraising Module in Hungary
- Capacity Building Programme – Poland
- Capacity Building Programme: call for experts in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania!
- Capacity Building Programme: Focus on Romania
- Capacity-Building Session on Patient Safety
- Careers
- Careum Congress: What do patients want from policy-makers?
- Caring for carers of those living with schizophrenia
- CBHC EU conference - Expression of interest
- CBHC Ireland/United Kingdom - Registration form
- Celebrating five years of impact with Data Saves Lives
- Celebrating the International Clinical Trials’ Day!
- Celebrating the International Parkinson’s Day!
- Chain of Trust
- Chain of TRUST project: Closing meeting and new Horizons
- Chain Of Trust project’s findings: follow-up with National roundtables
- Chain Of Trust: the closing conference
- Charter on Patient Empowerment
- CHRODIS +: including the patient perspective in every step!
- CHRODIS Delphi Surveys: First Impressions
- CHRODIS: Improving the Multimorbidity Care Model
- CHRODIS+ Final Conference on Chronic Diseases - Making Europeans happier, healthier and more active by implementing good practices
- CHRODIS+ Online Conference on Chronic Diseases
- CHRODIS+ Project visits Slovenia, Finland, Croatia, Greece and Serbia
- CHRODIS+ project: EPF ensures the patient perspective in implementation pilot activities
- Civil society raises concerns about migrant health protection
- Claudia Louati
- Clinical Trials
- Clinical Trials - EPF Asks For More Systematic Patient Involvement In Ethics Reviews
- Clinical Trials – EPF to release Position Paper on Informed Consent
- Clinical Trials Informed Consent Paper
- Clinical trials: 731 amendments tabled by MEPs
- Clinical Trials: Response to Public Consultation on Lay Summaries
- Clinical Trials: the lack of patient involvement a backward step
- Close of SUSTAINS, the Electronic Health Records project
- Closing event of the Summer Training Course for Young Patient Advocates
- Closing the Renewing Health project
- Commission nominates patient representatives in Pharmacovigilance Committee
- Commission Recommendation on EHR: a step towards a patient-centred European digital health framework
- Communication experts, let’s meet & share our knowledge!
- COMPAR-EU and EPF 2019 – read what’s next for this year
- COMPAR-EU Final Conference Advocacy Event
- COMPAR-EU WP 3 final workshop
- COMPAR-EU: Discussing Preferred Patients’ Outcomes
- COMPAR-EU: focusing on patients' prioritiy outcomes
- Compar-EU: Improving Self-management Interventions
- Complete the Joint Research Centre survey on data privacy and use of personal data for research purposes
- Completed Projects
- Components
- Compromise reached on Professional Qualifications Directive
- Conference on Equity of Access to Quality Healthcare
- Conference on Medical Nutrition and Prevention for EU Patient Groups - 29 June 2017, Brussels
- Conference on Quality, Safety and Cost-Effectiveness
- Conference Towards better prevention and management of chronic diseases
- Consultation - Draft Work Plan 2016
- Consultation for revised and consolidated EPF Statement on Pricing and Reimbursement
- Consultation on discrimination in education and in employment: your input needed
- Consultation on EUPATI’s guidance for patient involvement in medicines’ R&D process
- Consultation on SPH vision paper
- Consultation on the Opinion of Expert panel on effective ways of investing in health on “Access to health services in the EU”
- Consultation paper: Informed consent in the clinical trials regulation
- Consultation: Transparency is our legitimacy currency, let’s protect it!
- Consultations
- Contact Us
- Contribute to the Consultation on EC's Opinion on Quality of health care and patient safety (Deadline: 15 Sept.)
- COPAC - Coalition of Patients' Organisations with Chronic Diseases (Romania)
- Cor Oosterwijk
- Core EPF communication tools to become multilingual
- Cornelia Păuna
- Council on data protection: Uncertainties on patients’ rights
- Count us in! – A New Edition of the Summer Training Course for Young Patient Advocates
- Countries & Activities
- COVID-19 and Brexit – Protecting patients across Europe from pandemics
- COVID-19 has shown EU action on health is more urgently needed than ever
- COVID19 Resource Point
- COVID-19 Resource Point
- COVID19: "The time to invest in a healthy future is now"
- COVID-19: Navigating the Digital Waters of Misleading Health Advice
- Cross-border Healthcare
- Cross-Border Healthcare – EPF paper on State of the Implementation
- Cross-Border Healthcare – EPF presentation at DG SANTE meeting
- Cross-Border Healthcare: Still a Long Way to Go
- Crossing borders for healthcare in Spain, Poland and Bulgaria
- Crossing the borders for healthcare: First stop in Croatia
- CyFPA: Pancyprian Federation of Patients Associations and Friends
- Cypriot patient organisation advances health literacy in schools
- Cystic Fibrosis Europe
- Dalila Lopes
- Data Protection
- Data Protection Regulation Now Officially Published
- Data Protection: health research overlooked by decision-makers
- Data Saves Lives
- Data Saves Lives
- Data Saves Lives 5th Anniversary Event
- Data Saves Lives Coffee Talk: the Role of Medical Technology in Harnessing the Power of Personal Data
- Data Saves Lives Coffee Talk: the Role of Medical Technology in Harnessing the Power of Personal Data
- Data Saves Lives End of Year Workshop
- Data Saves Lives: Why health data matters
- DataSavesLives Tweet Chat on closing the health data gap between West and Central/East Europe
- DataSavesLives Webinar: 'COVID-19 and beyond: what is the role of governments in tracking their population’s health and how can we support them?'
- DE - Dystonia Europe
- Dear President Juncker, EU Health Collaboration is crucial for Europe’s future
- DEBRA International - Global Network of Epidermolysis Bullosa Support Groups
- December 2014
- December 2015
- December 2016 – Representing Patients at the European Medicines Agency
- Declaration Fest! International Festival of Health and Human Rights
- Depression – In and Out of a Dark Tunnel
- Development of Therapeutics and Vaccines
- DHE - Digital Tools for Patient Empowerment and Person-Centred Care – Workshop
- DIA 2018 GLOBAL ANNUAL MEETING: Towards Meaningful Patient Engagement
- DIA Patients Included Fellowship - applications open
- Digestive Cancers Europe
- Digital health
- Digital Health Europe Project Kick Off Meeting
- Digital Health webinar - Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - Where are we?
- Digital tools for citizen empowerment and for person-centred care with a particular focus on the interaction between citizens and healthcare providers
- DigitalHealthEurope
- Dimitrios Athanasiou
- Dimitrios Athanasiou
- Directive on Patients' RIghts in Cross-Border Healthcare
- Djilo Tchatchouang
- Do you have a Youth Group? What is your Youth-related activity? We want to hear from you!
- Dominik Tomek
- Dominik Tomek
- Driving better outcomes for better value: launch of the Early Intervention Toolkit!
- Dystonia Europe organises workshop on brain disorders at the European Parliament
- EAMDA - European Alliance of Neuromuscular Disorders Associations
- EAMDA Executive Committee Meeting – new strategy and ideas for the future
- EAMDA online International conference on neuromuscular disorders
- Early Intervention Key to Quality of Life and Sustainable Health Systems
- EATG - European Aids Treatment Group
- EATG launches Survey Report on HIV & Mental Health
- EATRIS Conference: "Building Bridges in Translational Medicine"
- ECHDO – European Congenital Heart Disease Organisation
- ECO - European Cleft Organisation
- EC's evaluative study on the cross-border healthcare Directive
- Educational workshop on pharmaceutical incentives
- EFA - European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations
- EFAPH - European Federation of Associations of Patients with Haemochromatosis
- EFCCA - European Federation of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Associations
- EFCCA in the spotlight
- EFGCP Annual Conference
- EFGCP conference “Faster and Safer Paths to New Treatments with Medicines and Medical Devices”
- EFGCP Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Communicating Clinical Trial Results to Meet Public Needs (29 May 2015)
- EFGCP/MedTech Europe Multi-stakeholder Workshop on risks mitigation in medical devices
- EFHPA - European Federation of Homeopathic Patients' Associations
- EFNA - European Federation of Neurological Associations
- EFNA Campaign: 1 in 3 Europeans fit under the Umbrella – Do You?
- EFNA working with Young Europeans with Neurological Conditions
- EFPIA Health Collaboration Summit & Award 2015 (28-29 October 2015)
- EFPIA Patients’ June Think Tank
- EFPIA Think Tank
- EFPIA/PhRMA Collaboration Summit
- EGA – Your opinion needed on transparency requirements and conflicts of interest!
- EGAN - Patients Network for Medical Research and Health
- EGAN Training on Medicines Development in Children
- EGM 2020
- EHC - European Haemophilia Consortium
- EHDS Consensus Statement
- E-Health at a glance with the EPF seminar
- eHealth Governance Initiative
- eHealth Week 2016: Empowering People and Patients
- eHealth: from ambitions to actions
- eHealth: Much More than Patients’ Data
- EHLTF - European Heart and Lung Transplant Federation
- Eimear O’Rourke
- EIP-AHA: From plan to action
- EIWH - European Institute of Women's Health
- EKPF - European Kidney Patients' Federation
- Elena Balestra
- Elena Moya
- Elisabeth Kasilingam
- Elisabeth Kasilingam
- Elisabeth Kasilingam appointed as EPF's Interim Executive Director
- ELPA - European Liver Patients’ Association
- ELPA and DiCE meeting on liver cancer. ‘Together we are EVEN stronger’
- EMA Celebrates 10 Years of Patient Involvement
- EMA communication: "pool of reviewers" for herbal medicines summaries
- EMA communication: EMA recommends avoidance of certain hepatitis C medicines and amiodarone together
- EMA consultation: Draft guideline on the clinical development of medicinal products intended for the treatment of pain
- EMA Consultation: Safety of high-strength and combination insulin products (Deadline: 2 April 2015)
- EMA Focuses on Antibiotic Resistance: A Future Global Threat?
- EMA gathers the views of young patients
- EMA public meeting covid19
- EMA Survey on the use of social media and medicines (Deadline: 23 November 2014)
- EMA's pharmacovigilance risk assessment committee (PRAC) adopts rules of procedure on public hearings
- EMHA - European Migraine and Headache Alliance
- EMPATHiE – Empower patients for better results!
- EMPATHiE (Tender Study)
- EMPATHY from a young patient’s perspective
- EMPATHY from the external stakeholders’ perspective
- EMPATHY from the patient leaders’ perspective
- EMPATHY seen through medical students’ lens
- EMPATHY: what are the next steps?
- Employment
- Employment and chronic conditions: an overview of EPF's latest initiatives
- Empowering Patients in HTA: Joint Initiative by OPEN Health, EPF, and EAMDA to Optimise PICO Scoping
- Empowering patients in the management of chronic diseases
- EMSP - European Multiple Sclerosis Platform
- EMSP promotes employment for young people with MS
- EMSP Virtual Conference 2020
- Encouraging News on HTA Collaboration
- ENFA - European Network of Fibromyalgia Associations
- Ensuring Consistent and Coherent Application of EU Rules on Medicines’ Advertising
- ENUSP - European Network of (ex)users and survivors of psychiatry (ENUSP)
- ENUSP's 6th Empowerment Seminar in Brussels
- EPF – Medicines for Europe Dialogue
- EPF & H20 Joint statement on Health Systems after COVID-19 Report
- EPF & Medicines for Europe Seminar (Brussels, 31 May)
- EPF 20 | Nicola Bedlington shares her story in The European Patients' Podcast
- EPF 2019 Summary Report now out
- EPF Access Campaign - Concrete Ideas to Achieve Universal Health Coverage
- EPF Access Campaign meeting
- EPF Access Working Group Meeting – 28 February 2017
- EPF Access Working Group Meeting summary - 18 October
- EPF acknowledgement of Financial Support 2010
- EPF acknowledgement of Financial Support 2011
- EPF acknowledgement of Financial Support 2012
- EPF Acknowledgement of financial support 2013
- EPF Acknowledgement of financial support 2014
- EPF Acknowledgement of financial support 2015
- EPF Acknowledgement of financial support 2016
- EPF Acknowledgement of financial support 2017
- EPF Acknowledgement of financial support 2018
- EPF Acknowledgement of Financial Support in 2020
- EPF Acknowledgement of Financial Support in 2021
- EPF Acknowledgement of Financial Support in 2022
- EPF Acknowledgement of Financial Support in 2023
- EPF Acknowledgment of Financial Support in 2019
- EPF active on medicines and medical devices
- EPF adopts recommendations for the trilogue on Medical Devices Regulation
- EPF Advocacy Toolkit on the Revision of the EU Pharmaceutical Legislation
- EPF advocates a patient perspective on data protection
- EPF advocates a patient perspective on the “Health for Growth” proposal
- EPF advocates the patient perspective on Professional Qualifications
- EPF and EUPATI at the DIA Europe 2019 Conference – Partnership in practice
- EPF and EURORDIS call on payers to support access to healthcare
- EPF and Medicines for Europe Dialogue
- EPF and PGEU jointly organised European Parliament event to present stakeholder views on new pharmacovigilance rules
- EPF and Public Health NGOs develop their vision for the future of Europe
- EPF Announces Departure of Usman Khan as Executive Director
- EPF Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2019
- EPF Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022
- EPF Annual General Meeting and HTA Seminar
- EPF Annual General Meeting: a new Board and a new President!
- EPF Annual General Meeting: Wider, Stronger, Louder
- EPF Annual Report 2015 - Your feedback needed!
- EPF at OECD: Focus on Patient Involvement and Patient Safety
- EPF attended regulatory workshop on Medication errors
- EPF attends the European Health Forum Gastein 2015
- EPF begins the PERISCOPE Project
- EPF Blog: “Living with diabetes is like breathing”
- EPF Blog: “My experience as a Young Gasteiner”
- EPF Board Elections - Nominate a candidate now!
- EPF Board raises hands for Rare Disease Day
- EPF Breakfast Briefings 2017 – starting in March
- EPF Breakfast Briefings: A Great Way to Start Your Day!
- EPF Briefings on the new Medical Devices Regulation
- EPF brings a European perspective to Belgian healthcare
- EPF Call for good practices of patient organisations’ cooperation with NGOs representing underserved, vulnerable groups
- EPF call for interest: Take part in a webinar on eHealth!
- EPF call to members: Take part in new task force on discrimination in the workplace and on the employment market
- EPF call to support Wold Arthritis Day!
- EPF calls for a strong EU health agenda in response to this year’s CSRs
- EPF calls for Equal Treatment for Patients in Education and Employment
- EPF calls for patient-centred EU framework on HTA
- EPF Calls For The Recognition Of The Added-Value Of Patient And Public Health Organisations
- EPF calls on EU Member States to put patients first and make progress on HTA negotiations
- EPF calls on EU Member States to put patients first and make progress on HTA negotiations
- EPF calls on the newly elected mandate to ensure health is an EU policy priority and that patients’ rights are implemented across the EU
- EPF campaign for the 2014 EU Elections
- EPF Campaign for the 2014 EU Elections
- EPF Campaign on Access to Healthcare: Halfway Through
- EPF Campaign on Universal Access – Kick-off Meeting
- EPF Campaign on Universal Access – Kick-off Meeting 27/02
- EPF Campaign on Universal Health Coverage
- EPF Campaign on Universal Health Coverage - #Access2030
- EPF Capacity Building during COVID-19
- EPF Capacity Building Module 2019 on Empowering Leadership & Positive Organisational Governance
- EPF Capacity Building Module 2020 on Empowering Leadership & Positive Organisational Governance
- EPF Capacity Building Programme – 18 Polish Patient Organisations Take the First Steps Towards Long-Term Sustainability
- EPF Capacity Building Programme speeds up in Cyprus
- EPF Capacity Building Programme: Slovakia
- EPF Capacity Building Programme: Enabling Leadership and Positive Governance
- EPF Capacity Building Programme: Enabling Leadership and Positive Governance
- EPF Capacity Building Programme: first assessment
- EPF Capacity Building Programme: second phase
- EPF change of legal address
- EPF changes logo
- EPF Conference: How Patients’ and Families’ Involvement can improve Patient Safety
- EPF congratulates new European Commission and emphasises collaborative efforts for patient-centred healthcare
- EPF Congress
- EPF Congress 2019
- EPF Congress 2019 focuses on patient safety – join us!
- EPF Congress 2019: Interview with Adrian van den Hoven
- EPF Congress 2019: Interview with Hans Kluge
- EPF Congress 2019: Interview with Marco Greco
- EPF Congress 2019: Interview with Miklós Szócska
- EPF Congress 2019: Interview with Nathalie Moll
- EPF Congress 2019: Interview with Susanna Palkonen
- EPF Congress 2019: Interview with Usman Khan
- EPF Congress 2019: registration for the first European Congress on patient involvement is now open
- EPF Congress 2019: There’s nothing for patients without patients
- EPF Congress 2021: The Digital Transformation of Healthcare
- EPF Congress 2021: the digital transformation of healthcare - Event recap
- EPF Congress 2022: Continuing the conversation of digital transformation
- EPF Congress 2022: Continuing the Conversation on Digital Transformation
- EPF Congress Presentations
- EPF Congress Q&A with Terje Peetso
- EPF Consultation on eHealth position paper
- EPF Consultation: Have your say on our revised Strategic Plan 2014-2020!
- EPF continues strengthening patient organisations in Hungary and Poland
- EPF Continues Work on Vaccination for Patients with Chronic Conditions
- EPF contributes six amendments to “Safer healthcare in Europe” report
- EPF contributes to a joint event on lay summaries of clinical trials
- EPF contributes to WHO clinical trials reporting statement
- EPF co-signs an open letter to prevent health crisis in Europe
- EPF co-signs contribution to consultation on cross-border activities of associations
- EPF co-signs joint statement calling for a society-centred EHDS
- EPF co-signs letter mandatory EU Front-of-Pack nutrition labelling system
- EPF co-signs statement supporting Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
- EPF Data Strategy and AI White Paper Consultation
- EPF Elections: New President and New Members!
- EPF e-Newsletter: a new look to better serve our members and allies
- EPF examines the EHDS Regulation and its implications for patients
- EPF exchanges views on Medical devices with the European Commission
- EPF feedback on the implementing act on joint clinical assessments of medicinal products
- EPF Final Consultation on Defining Access
- EPF gets involved to #KeepAntibioticsWorking
- EPF holds vaccination workshop for Patients with Chronic Conditions in Romania
- EPF initiative on vaccination: progress on shaping the Patient’s Guide
- EPF internal workshop on Clinical Trials Regulation
- EPF interviews MEP Tilly Metz for International Women’s Day
- EPF invited to participate in EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum
- EPF is looking for a Membership Officer
- EPF joins a Statement in Support of the NSA Engagement Plan
- EPF joins efforts to combat supply shortages of medicines
- EPF joins European Alliance for Value in Health
- EPF Joins SDG Watch Europe As A Member!
- EPF key role in Patient Safety and Quality of Care
- EPF launches “We Are Here”: A Call for a Patient-Centred Future for Health
- EPF launches European Elections campaign 2024
- EPF Launches its First Capacity-Building Module in Poland!
- EPF launches survey on access to healthcare: share your experience with us!
- EPF launches toolkit to help patient organisations raise awareness on Antimicrobial Resistance
- EPF Leadership Meeting
- EPF Letter and Recommendations on EU4Health to Permanent Representations to the EU and European Parliament
- EPF liaises with the Council on In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation
- EPF meets with health Commissioner Kyriakides and Commission Vice-President Schinas on pharmaceutical legislation
- EPF member consultation: Clinical trial results – communication of the lay summary
- EPF Members and Networks
- EPF National Coalitions Meeting
- EPF National Coalitions Meeting: Different Perspectives, Similar Goals
- EPF PAG meeting report - 21 November 2017
- EPF paper on clinical nutrition guidelines and summaries for patients
- EPF participated in Open Information Day FP7 Health Research
- EPF participated in the Commission’s exploratory process on medical devices
- EPF participates in EMA’s day on medication errors
- EPF participates in European Commission’s Workshop on Biosimilars
- EPF participates in international effort to assess health systems’ performance from a patient perspective
- EPF participates in international policy symposium “Transforming the medical model”
- EPF participates in WHO meeting on Large Scale Implementation of Health System Transformation
- EPF Patient Advocates’ Seminar - Be an EU lobbyist for a day
- EPF Patient Evidence Workshop focusing on Patient Safety
- EPF Patients' Manifesto
- EPF paves the way for the EU Hungarian Presidency
- EPF perspective on universal access to healthcare
- EPF position on information to patients on food and nutrition
- EPF position on the rights and needs of older patients
- EPF Position Paper on Access from the Patients’ Perspective
- EPF Position paper on eHealth
- EPF position statement EU4Health priorities
- EPF POSITION: In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation
- EPF prepares a position statement on Medical Devices
- EPF prepares for GASTEIN
- EPF prepares recommendations on Data Protection
- EPF prepares recommendations on the rights and needs of older patients
- EPF present at the 4th European Patients’ Rights Day in the European Parliament
- EPF present at the WHO Regional Committee for Europe
- EPF President Anders Olauson to travel to Washington DC
- EPF President appointed expert in the Horizon 2020 advisory groups
- EPF President receives Royal Medal in Sweden
- EPF President selected as patient representative to EMA’s Management Board
- EPF Privacy Policy
- EPF promotes better inclusion of people with chronic conditions in the workplace
- EPF promotes patients interests in mHealth
- EPF proposes a progressive and patient-centred EU4HEALTH programme
- EPF Publications
- EPF publishes a guide for patient organisations on the new Data Protection Regulation
- EPF publishes a position statement on clinical trials
- EPF publishes its position on Data Protection
- EPF Publishes Position Paper on ‘The Value and Pricing of Innovative Medicines’ (01/07/2020)
- EPF publishes position paper on “Adherence and concordance”
- EPF publishes statement on the communication of clinical trial results
- EPF reacts to the European Commission Proposal on transitional provisions under the IVDR and roll-out of EUDAMED
- EPF receives Operating Grant
- EPF receives the Outstanding Contribution to Health Award
- EPF recognised with the 2020 Patient-Centered Health Award at the annual RAPS awards
- EPF recognises young patients on European Patients' Rights Day
- EPF Regional Advocacy Seminar 2016: Patients in the footsteps of Members of the European Parliament
- EPF releases a fundraising toolkit for patient organisations
- EPF releases policy paper with testimonials from patients on AMR
- EPF releases statement on the European Commission's proposal for the critical medicines act
- EPF Report - Health in the European Semester 2022
- EPF representative elected as new co-chair of Patients’ and Consumers’ Working Party
- EPF represented the patients’ voice at the Parliament
- EPF responded to the Commissions consultation of financial regulation to ensure core funding for patient groups
- EPF responds to EMA's public consultation on electronic medicines information
- EPF responds to public consultation on EMA strategy
- EPF responds to the Commission consultation on European Innovation Partnership – Healthy and Active Ageing
- EPF Responds to the Commission consultation on the Clinical Trials Directive
- EPF responds to the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy Consultation
- EPF response to chronic diseases consultation stresses patients’ central role
- EPF response to the European Commission’s call for feedback on the revision of the EU Pharmaceutical Legislation
- EPF Roadmap to Achieving Universal Health Coverage for All by 2030
- EPF roundtable on cross-border healthcare
- EPF Roundtable Summary
- EPF Seminar Agrees Meaningful Involvement of Patients in Health Technology Assessment Makes a Difference
- EPF shares its insights on the 2017 Country-Specific Recommendations on Health
- EPF signs Dying to work EU Employment Charter
- EPF stands in solidarity with Ukraine
- EPF started new project - Chain Of Trust
- EPF Statement in Response to the Written Consultation on the WHO European Programme of Work
- EPF Statement on EHDS
- EPF Statement on the COVID-19 Pandemic
- EPF Statement: Clarification of The Guardian's article
- EPF statements on COVID19
- EPF Strategic Planning Working Group
- EPF Strategic Planning Working Group
- EPF stresses the importance of patient involvement in healthcare innovation
- EPF strives to make equitable access and universal health coverage a reality
- EPF submits Operating Grant application under EU4Health
- EPF Summer Training Course: Campaigning for Count Us In!
- EPF Support at the Young Coalition for Prevention and Vaccination Manifesto Launch
- EPF Survey - COVID-19 Impact on Patients and Patients’ Organisations
- EPF Survey on corruption and fraud in the healthcare sector
- EPF Survey Results - What Does Quality Care Mean to Patients?
- EPF surveys Patients on their Perception on Quality in Healthcare
- EPF takes #europeforpatients to the European Parliament
- EPF takes a stand on the EU Transparency Directive
- EPF takes a stand on the Professional Qualifications Directive
- EPF task force delivers a roadmap towards inclusion of vulnerable groups’ perspective within patients’ organisations
- EPF Team Update: Au Revoir Laurent; Benvenuta Letizia!
- EPF Team update: Goodbye Véronique, hello Ania!
- EPF to celebrate the European Month of the Brain
- EPF to contribute to the revision of the EU Transparency Directive
- EPF to coordinate major IMI project to create better education/ information tools for patients on pharmaceutical research
- EPF to empower its members’ capacity and advocacy skills
- EPF to set the scene for discussion on patient involvement in HTA
- EPF to voice patients at EFPIA Think Tank event
- EPF turns 20 - Anniversary event
- EPF urges the Council to prioritise discussions on the Medical Devices Regulation
- EPF warns against rushed revision of the EU Medical Devices Regulations
- EPF Webmail
- EPF website accessibility
- EPF welcomes a new project officer!
- EPF welcomes election of Hans Kluge as new Director of the WHO European region!
- EPF welcomes Europe's New Pharmaceutical Strategy
- EPF welcomes new rules on Pharmacovigilance
- EPF welcomes the New Data Protection Agreement
- EPF welcomes the new policy for the release of clinical trial data
- EPF welcomes the proposal for a new EU framework on Clinical Trials
- EPF welcomes the revised Commission proposals on Information to Patients
- EPF welcomes the vote in the European Parliament on the Information to Patients report
- EPF welcomes Wilmott report on clinical trials
- EPF Work on AI
- EPF workplan and annual report now available
- EPF Youth Group (Virtual) Spring Meeting 2020
- EPF Youth Group - How we spent our Summer
- EPF Youth Group - May updates
- EPF Youth Group Fall Meeting – Drawing Priorities and Future Actions
- EPF Youth Group Fall Meeting 2019: Elections and powerful start to a new project
- EPF Youth Group Fall Session in Sofia
- EPF Youth Group looking for new members
- EPF Youth Group Roundtable on Transition to Adult Care
- EPF Youth Group Spring meeting
- EPF Youth Group to shape the EMPATHY project
- EPF Youth Group treads the boards at EPF Congress
- EPF Youth Group welcomes Anna!
- EPF Youth Group: Call for new members!
- EPF Youth Group: New Members, New Ideas!
- EPF Youth Group: WAYS project conclusions and upcoming projects
- EPF Youth Group's Activities in April 2021
- EPF/FPP Conference on the Rights and Needs for Older patients, Warsaw, Poland
- EPF: “Mandatory uptake of HTA joint work is key to ensure more equitable access to healthcare for all patients across the European Union”
- EPF: “No reform of health systems without patients”
- EPF’s advisory role in a new integrated care European project
- EPF’s analysis of the European Parliament reports on the revision of the EU pharmaceutical legislation
- EPF’s Annual General Meeting 2020
- EPF’s Annual Meeting welcomes six new Members and elects four new Board Members
- EPF’s call for action to ensure patients’ continued access to safe, high-quality medicines across the EU
- EPF’s Capacity Building Programme and Patients Advocates’ Seminar
- EPF’s feedback on the draft Implementing Act for Assessing and Managing Conflict of Interest in HTA
- EPF’s feedback on the Implementing Act on HTA cooperation with EMA
- EPF’s Opinion on extending the mandates of the EMA and the ECDC
- EPF’s plans for the European Health Policy Forum Gastein
- EPF’s policy priorities for the new EU mandate
- EPF’s position on establishing an opt-out system for the secondary use of health data
- EPF’s reaction to the draft Implementing Act on Joint Scientific Consultations on Medicines
- EPF’s reaction to the European Parliament’s position on the revision of the EU pharmaceutical legislation
- EPF’s response on the European Pillar for Social Rights
- EPF’s Response to the Commission’s Public Consultation on the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive – Evaluating Patients’ Rights
- EPF’s Response to the EU’s Beating Cancer Plan Public Consultation
- EPF’s revised Strategic plan 2014-2020 is now available!
- EPF’s Statement for the European Antibiotic Awareness Day
- EPF’s take on the opportunities and challenges of electronic medicines information
- EPF’s verdict on the Opinion of the Expert Panel on Effective ways of Investing in Health on access to healthcare
- EPF-Medicines for Europe dialogue
- EPF-Medicines for Europe dialogue 2018
- EPF's Annual General Meeting Elects New Board
- EPF's call for action on MDR
- EPF's feedback on joint scientific consultations on medical devices
- EPF's interim evaluation of the EU4Health Programme 2021-2027
- EPF's reaction to pharmaceutical legislation revision
- EPF's reaction to the draft reports on the revision of EU pharmaceutical legislation
- EPF's reaction to the European Parliament’s adoption of the European Health Data Space report
- EPF's reaction to the proposed amendments of the Medical Devices Regulation
- EPF's recommendations on the eu4health programme
- EPF's Response to the Commission Public Consultation on the Clinical Trials Directive
- EPF's statement on AMR Council Recommendation
- EPF's survey on the implementation of the EU Medical Devices Regulations
- EPIK - Estonian Chamber of Disabled People
- Equal treatment of patients in education and the workplace
- Erato Markantoni
- Erin Davies
- ESAIC seeks 2 patient representatives for guidelines on patient safety
- Estefanía Callejas De Luca
- Ethics Committee
- eTRIKS project on the use of research data is looking for patients’ views!
- EU Adopts Legislation on Organ Transplantation
- EU Budget: we want an ambitious EU health policy with patients at its centre
- EU Cloud in Health Council and EPF Workshop – 8 May 2017, Brussels
- EU Elections campaign 2024
- EU Health Policy Platform: Call to Action on Migration and Health!
- EU Health programme 2014-2020
- EU Health Programme: the list of National Focal Points is updated
- EU JA CHRODIS General Assembly: Achievements & Next Steps
- EU Legislation ON AI
- EU Level
- EU Party Manifestos
- EU patient task force on nutrition
- EU PEARL Project now on EPF website
- EU PEARL: A plan to foster patient engagement gets off the ground
- EU Public Consultation on the Commission’s ‘Beating Cancer Plan’
- EU to grant extra time for implementation MDR
- EU4Health Civil Society Alliance concerned about the role of health in the next commission mandate
- EU4Health Civil Society Alliance Joint Position Paper
- EU4Health Civil Society Alliance: How to harvest long-term health benefits of the EU4Health programme?
- EU4Health programme enters into force
- EU4Nutrition Live: Nutrition, Cancer and COVID
- EUFAMI - European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness
- EUnetHTA Collaboration
- EUNetPaS
- EUPATI – activities for 2020-2025
- EUPATI Expert Training Course for Patients
- EUPATI Fundamentals – Training on Patient Engagement for Academy and Pharmaceutical professionals available!
- EUPATI Graduation Ceremony & Final Conference
- EUPATI Graduation Ceremony took place on 31 January: more than 50 EUPATI Fellows graduated!
- EUPATI Guidance on Patient Involvement in HTA published in Peer-Reviewed Journal
- EUPATI Is Going Global – New Partnership In Brazil
- EUPATI is ready to launch a brand new industry training
- EUPATI launched its first training on patient engagement to professionals
- EUPATI launches its new Open Classroom e-learning platform
- EUPATI National Platform launched in Spain
- EUPATI Network of National Platforms – Annual General Meeting
- EUPATI project looks to the future
- EUPATI project publishes draft training programme syllabus
- EUPATI reaches 1 million users
- EUPATI Report from July's event & expert programme
- EUPATI Strengthens Its Network Through Two Important Events
- EUPATI Training Course: Second face-to-face training
- EUPATI Training: tailoring the Expert Training Course according to new demands
- EUPATI Update: Patient involvement in medical technology research and development
- EUPATI: an IMI recently-launched Patient Academy
- EUPATI: Final Conference and Change in Sight
- EUPATI: Guidelines on Patient Involvement in Medicines’ Development
- EUPATI: second Expert Training Course and local activities
- EUPATI: Second Face-to-Face Training Barcelona
- EUPATI: your health, your knowledge
- EUPATI’s main achievements in 2018
- Europa UOMO
- EUROPADONNA - European Breast Cancer Coalition
- Europe meets young patients in July
- Europe Men’s Health Week focused on primary care
- European Commission event: Mental health and the pandemic: living, caring, acting!
- European Commission publishes reports on Patient Safety
- European Commission: Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices policies remain in the health portfolio
- European Commission's health recommendations to 12 EU countries once again broad and vague but a step in the right direction
- European Elections 2019
- European guidelines on early cleft care adopted this February
- European health community says don’t let a no-deal Brexit put patients across Europe in danger
- European Health Forum Gastein 2016
- European Health Forum Gastein 2017: A Better Future For Patients?
- European Health Forum in Gastein
- European Health Parliament: closing plenary session
- European Health Parliament: Meet Healthcare’s New Young Heroes
- European Health Policy Forum focuses on research priorities and investing in Health
- European health policy should be more than mitigating the effects of the single market
- European Kidney Forum 2019 – Event report
- European Medicines' Agency launches new PRIME (PRIority MEdicines) scheme
- European Medicines Agency Public consultation on the revision of the EudraVigilance Access Policy
- European Medicines' Agency: latest news on medication errors
- European Medicines Agency: Workshop on Information about Medicines
- European Network for Patients Empowerment
- European Network for Patients Empowerment
- European Ombudsman Inquiry on EMA pre-submission activities: EPF's response
- European Parliament Elections campaign's next steps
- European Parliament officially adopts the report on Medical Devices
- European Parliament Report on Access to Medicines
- European partnership launches major initiative to strengthen pandemic preparedness through clinical trial networks
- European Patients' Academy - Join the EUPATI Network!
- European Patients’ Academy: up, running and real
- European Patients’ Forum Calls on New MEPs to Prioritise Health in the EU Agenda
- European Patients’ Rights Day 2021
- European Pillar of Social Rights: Patients’ Concerns Matter!
- European policymakers must commit to putting patients’ health priorities at the heart of the political agenda for the next five years
- European Reference Network for Rare Eye Disease
- European Semester and Country Specific Recommendations: have your say!
- European Summit on Hospital Pharmacy
- EUROPSO - European Umbrella Organisation for Psoriasis Movements
- EURORDIS - European Organisation for Rare Diseases
- EURORDIS Winter School – International collaboration in the field of scientific innovations and translational research (EPF Youth Group)
- EuroSafe Imaging Campaign Towards Patient Safety
- Evaluating the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive (Joint Webinar DG Sante & EPF) – Major takeaways from the virtual event
- Evaluating the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive: have patients’ rights improved a decade on?
- Evaluating the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive: have patients’ rights improved a decade on?
- Evaluation
- Event Reports
- Events
- Events
- Events
- Every Day Should Be Antibiotic Awareness Day
- Experts Discussed Future Reforms of Healthcare in Greece
- Exploring Patient Involvement in Continuing Professional Education
- External Resources
- EYE Strasbourg 2016
- Facing together the impact of chronic diseases: Chrodis-Plus starts working on implementation projects
- Factsheet on Roadmap for Universal Health Coverage now available in several EU languages!(2)
- Factsheets
- Fall Meeting 2020 – another productive meeting for the EPF Youth Group
- Falsified medicines
- Falsified medicines – new EU rules come into application
- FE - Fertility Europe
- February 2014
- February 2015
- February 2016 – EPF a Solid Partner in European Projects
- February 2017 – Official Opening of the #Access2030 Campaign
- FEP - Spanish Patients' Forum
- FESCA- Federation of European Scleroderma Associations
- FH Awareness Day
- FH Europe foundation
- FH Europe joins EPF
- Fifth EPF regional Advocacy Seminar report out!
- Fighting Alzheimer’s disease and dementia together
- Final consultation on discrimination in education and the workplace
- Final consultation on the EPF eHealth position paper
- Final report to close Chain of Trust project
- Finance & Transparency
- Financial statement 2023
- Financial Support
- First conference on the patients’ perspective on nutrition
- First EMA Workshop on Health Literacy! Impact on Risk Communication
- First face-to-face meeting for EUPATI ‘students’
- First phase of data collection complete
- First translations of the Value+ toolkit is now available to download
- Five questions to the Flemish Patients Platform
- Five tips if you are starting your new job remotely
- Five Years After COVID-19: Lessons Learned and the Path Forward
- Flavia Topan
- Follow us and make THE patients’ voice loud!
- Fourth Regional Conference on Cross-Border Healthcare
- FPP - Federation of Polish Patients
- French citizens’ views on the Cross-Border healthcare Directive
- French civil society adds its voice to the debate on medicine prices
- Full Members
- Funding opportunities: have you thought of the EEA and Norway Grants?
- Future European cooperation on HTA: a step forward in improving healthcare for all
- Future healthcare models need to incorporate patients
- Future of the European Health Union
- Gabriela Tanasan
- GAMIAN-Europe - Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks
- Get breathless for Pulmonary Hypertension
- Get involved in optimal patient blood management!
- Get involved in the European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2016!
- Get ready for the consultation on the next Health programme!
- Get to know the work of the European Medicines Agency through the "EMA Basics"!
- Get Your Belly Out for Crohns and Colitis!
- Getting the Message to MEPs: Charter on Patient Empowerment
- Give us a Hand: EPF New Video for Stronger Ties with MEPs
- Give your input on pharmaceuticals in the environment!
- Global Heart Hub
- Global Heart Hub joins EPF
- Global Heart Hub's Unite Summit
- Global Skin
- GlobalSkin joins EPF
- Good bye Özgün Ünver!
- Good Governance in the Pharmaceutical Sector
- Good practices on patient empowerment to inspire our “5 Es” campaign!
- Goodbye and see you soon!
- Goodbye and stay in touch!
- Governance
- Gözde Susuzlu Briggs
- Gravitate Health
- Greek Patients Association
- Guide
- Guides and tools developed by patient organisations (for employers and patients)
- Guiding Principles for ethics and tranparency
- H2O
- Happy 10th Anniversary to the Spanish Patients’ Forum!
- Happy 2023 from EPF President Marco Greco
- Has your doctor washed his hands before touching you?
- Have a say on the EPF position on the cross-border healthcare directive
- Have you participated in a clinical trial? EU PEARL wants to hear from you
- Have your say and contribute to better patient safety!
- Have your say on the Digital Transformation in Health!
- Have your say on vaccines!
- Health actors write to Barroso proposing stronger health dimension
- Health and safety at work: new strategic framework
- Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland - The Alliance
- Health and the life continuum from a gender perspective
- Health deserves more, not less spending!
- Health groups call for accelerated spina bifida and hydrocephalus prevention and care worldwide
- Health in the new European Commission
- Health Industry Leaders respond to EPF's Open Memo on COVID-19
- Health Interest Groups in the new European Parliament
- Health Literacy
- Health Research Charities Ireland
- Health technologies should remain in the Health portfolio
- Health Technology Assessment
- Health Technology Assessment sans frontières
- Health Technology Assessment seminar report available online
- Health Technology Assessment: How patients can be involved?
- Health Workforce
- Healthcare for persons with disabilities: home and abroad
- Healthcare in the EU: three independent expert opinions – what’s in it for patients?
- Healthcare-associated infections: a threat to public health
- Hello Brendan, Goodbye Danielle!
- Hello Mathieu, Goodbye Stefano!
- Help us shape transparency guidelines for EPF and patient organisations!
- Help us to collect wider support for the MEPs' Statement on #EU4Health!
- Helping Europe’s carers of people with Parkinson’s is a “public health emergency”
- HERA should serve patients and promote public health: a shared vision for the EU’s new Authority
- High time for enhanced European coordination and competence on health
- High-level Policy Roundtable - “Making Empowerment a Reality: Patients as Partners”
- High-level policy roundtable: “Making Empowerment a Reality: Patients as Partners”
- Historical context
- HIVE-33 Webinar Mini Series - Episode 1
- HONcode Certification
- Honorary President
- Horizon Europe must invest more in health to support high-quality, accessible and equitable health systems
- Horizon Europe must invest more in health to support high-quality, accessible and equitable health systems
- How can the EU #makeworkwork for young people with chronic conditions?
- How can we resource patient organisations in times of austerity?
- How chronic conditions complicate my social ventures
- How much data protection does a patient get?
- How Sex and Gender Impact the Health of Women and Men
- How Social Media Impact Medicines-Related Behaviour: EMA Workshop
- How to create better Patient Information Leaflets for patients?
- How to Engage - Toolkit
- How to engage in the campaign
- How to engage in the campaign?
- How to strengthen the patients’ perspective at EU and national level?
- HTA – Public consultation on strengthening EU cooperation on Health Technology Assessment
- HTA Seminar 2010 Presentations
- HTA: Advancing Towards EU Collaboration
- HTA: Improvements in Parliament but Still More Work to do
- HTA: our position statement
- HTAi Annual Meeting 2018: Patients Included
- HTAi Conference: Towards a Globalised Approach and Patient Involvement
- Huge Success For EUPATI Face-To-Face Training!
- Hungarian Alliance of Patients' Organisations
- Hungarian Osteoporosis Patient Association (HOPA)
- Hungary
- IBE - International Bureau for Epilepsy
- ICHOM: What matters most when it comes to your health?
- IDF Europe - International Diabetes Federation European Region
- IDF Europe - Position Paper on Vaccination of People living with Diabetes
- IF - International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- IMI project IMMUCan has kicked off!
- IMI Workshop on how to foster patient engagement in medicines’ Research and Development (R&D)
- IMI-EFOEUPATI - Ensuring the Future Of EUPATI
- IMMUcan
- Impact Reports
- In memory of Pedro Montellano
- Inauguration of EATRIS-Plus Project in Personalised Medicine
- Increased transparency of clinical trial data
- Info Day: Horizon 2020 - 'Health, demographic change and wellbeing'
- Informal MEP discussion on Equity of Access to Quality Healthcare
- Informal Survey on Medical Packaging and Patients
- Information for Patients
- Informed patients can help prevent medication errors
- Informing and empowering patients through accessible and clear information on medicines
- Innovative Medicines Initiative to launch new call on patient engagement
- Integrated Care Conference: Patients as Central Partners
- Interesting reads
- International Conference on Integrated Care (Barcelona, 23-25 May 2016)
- International Diabetes Federation Europe in the spotlight
- International Experience Exchange with Patient Organisations (EPF Youth Group)
- International Women’s Day 2021: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world
- International Women's Day
- InterQuality
- InterQuality: projects’ outcomes now on video!
- InterQuality: smarter financing, improved quality for patients
- Introducing Cystic Fibrosis Europe
- Introducing the Netherlands Patient Federation (Patiëntenfederatie, Nederland)
- Investment in Health set as a priority in the Social Investment Package
- Invitation - Conference on the Economics of Chronic Diseases
- Invitation - EARIP Stakeholders' Workshop
- Invitation - ESMO PAWG Workshop on Cancer Patient Advocacy Networks Driving Research
- Invitation - Forum Better research for better health - A holistic approach to challenges & opportunities (21 January 2016)
- Invitation - Universal Access to Health
- Invitation to participate in the upcoming “eTRIKS Play Decide" Event
- Invitation to the First Joint Patient- Healthcare Industry Dialogue Meeting
- Involving patients in the development and review of lay summaries: new guidance to be published in 2020
- IOF - International Osteoporosis Foundation
- IOF Worldwide Conference
- IPOPI - International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies
- Is a Positive Work Environment exaggerated or underestimated?
- Is your patient organisation concerned about Brexit? It should be!
- Isabel Proaño Gómez
- Isabella Picotto
- ISPOR Europe 2018 Conference highlights the importance of meaningful patient engagement
- JA CHRODIS Final Conference - New Initiative Coming Up!
- JA-CHRODIS webinar on the CHRODIS platform
- January 2014
- January 2015
- January 2016 - Our Members, Our Compass
- January 2017 – Our Members, Our Compass!
- Job offer: Membership Officer
- Job opening - EPF Youth Intern
- Job Openings
- Job Opportunity: Events, membership and administration Officer at EUFAMI
- Job opportunity: will you be our new Communications Manager?
- Join EPF Educational Workshop on Pharmaceutical Incentives!
- Join us!
- Joint action on chronic diseases approved
- Joint Action on Patient Safety and Quality of Care
- Joint DIA/EMA/EFGCP Children’s Medicines Conference 2016
- Joint letter by EPHA and EPF on the Future EU Public Health Programme
- Joint letter on EU4Health budget cuts
- Joint statement – Operating Grants for health NGOs
- Joint Statement: Europe, Let's Do More for Health!
- Juan Fuertes
- July 2014
- July 2015
- July 2016 – EPF Capacity Building Programme Supporting Patients’ Organisations
- July 2017 – A Memorable Year for Our Youth-Related Activities!
- July issue of EPF mailing is now available
- June 2014
- June 2015
- June 2016 – EPF Patient Empowerment Campaign
- June 2017 – Patient Organisations as Legitimate Stakeholders in Civil Dialogue
- Just a Few Days Before our 1st Summer Training Course for Young Patients Advocates!
- Kaisa Immonen
- KBF Focus: Strengthening patients’ voices in the debate on AI in healthcare
- Key Answers from Shot Callers Part 2: A Virtual Discussion on COVID-19 Vaccines
- Kick Off Meeting of The CHRODIS Plus Joint Action: It’s Time To Implement
- Kick-off of the Joint Action on Patient Safety and Quality of Care
- Klaudia Cymer
- Konstantina Boumaki
- Konstantina Boumaki
- KUZ - Coalition of Association in Healthcare (Croatia)
- KZZ - Confederation of Health Protections
- Label2Enable
- Lack of patient involvement in the Council position on medical devices
- Last run up to the 2014 EU Elections!
- Latest developments on EPF's response to the Pharmaceutical Package
- Latest EPF News
- Latest EPF’s participation at policy and stakeholder events – A recap
- Latest Plenary Vote on EU4Health
- Launch of EPF New Website
- Launch of the EPF AI Knowledge Hub
- Launch of the Euro Hepatitis Care Index
- launch of the first EHDEN Academy Patient & Patient Group Course
- Launch of the first Patient Expert Training Course
- Launch of the Impact Report 2021
- Launch of the Joint Action on Chronic Diseases
- Launch of the MEP Access to Healthcare Interest Group
- Launch of the Second Cycle of the EUPATI Patient Expert Training Course! (Deadline: 31 March 2015)
- Launch of the Under Pressure website
- Laura Paddock
- Leaflets
- Learning from the experience of involving patients
- Legislation summary - How is discrimination addressed in EU legislation?
- Let people know your organisation is a member of EPF!
- Let’s Campaign for Patient Empowerment!
- Let’s celebrate our 10th Anniversary!
- Let’s Talk About Access: Take On Our New Survey!
- Let's Kick Lupus Out!
- Letter to EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides
- Library
- Lifting patient voices as partners
- Limited resources versus patients’ need: How to prioritise?
- Links
- Liver Cancer Awareness Month
- Logo
- Long-term Access to Quality Healthcare in Europe
- Looking at Health Literacy and Self-Care with our Spanish Coalition
- Looking for testimonials of patients with multimorbidities
- Lost about the Data Protection Regulation? Read our EPF briefing
- LPOAT - Council of Representatives of Patients’ organizations (Lithuania)
- LSE Survey on patients' and their caregivers' perceptions of health
- LUCE - Lung Cancer Europe
- LUPUS Europe
- Mailing subscription
- Making Meaningful Patient Engagement in Translational Research the New Normal – EATRIS-Plus at PEOF 2022
- Making sure that Europe's 'Beating Cancer Plan' works for patients
- Making the Invisible Visible – World IBD Day 2019
- Management of chronic diseases: the potential of patient empowerment
- Manifesto “150 Million Reasons to Act”
- Manifesto for the 2014 EU Elections
- Manifesto in all EU languages
- Manuel Arellano
- March 2014
- March 2015
- March 2016 – New President and New Board!
- March 2017 – EUPATI Moves Forward Under EPF Direction
- Marco Greco
- Marco Greco, EPF President, reappointed for another term on the EMA Board
- Marleen Sorensen
- Marzena Nelken
- Master in International Patient Advocacy Management
- Mateja Kržan
- Materials
- May 2014
- May 2015
- May 2016 – EPF Youth Group: Preparing Patient Advocacy for Tomorrow!
- May 2017 – EPF Calls for Meaningful Patient Involvement in EU Health Policy Dossiers
- Meaningful involvement of patients in the European Health Data Space is fundamental
- Measuring Impact in patient-centered drug development conference
- Measuring Patient-Centred Health Outcomes: An Indispensable Tool To Improve Health Systems
- Medical Devices
- Medical Devices Regulation Now Officially Published
- Meet Anca Toma, EPF’s new Executive Director
- Meet the 5 Champion MEPs of the #Access2030 Campaign!
- Meet the New EUPATI Management Team!
- Meet the newest member of the EPF Youth Group!
- Member consultation on discrimination in healthcare: your input needed
- Members
- Mental Health A Key Factor To Active and Healthy Ageing
- Mental Health Europe (MHE-SME)
- Mental Health Europe in the spotlight
- Mental Health Europe is recruiting a Communications and fundraising officer
- MEP Dalli: “In the Context of Universal Health Coverage, the EU Should Not Be Explaining but Reacting”
- MEP Interest Group on Antimicrobial Resistance Official Launch Event
- MEP Interest Group on Brain, Mind and Pain launches its new Book of Evidence
- MEP Konečná: ‘We need a fundamental shift in the way health services are funded, managed and delivered’
- MEP Kovatchev speaks out on access to healthcare
- MEP Pedicini: “Patients play a pivotal role in the prevention of HAI”
- MEP Pietikainen: ‘Only A Long-Term Vision Can Ensure Sustainable Investment in Health’
- MEP Rübig: ‘We Need a Framework Enabling Member States to Provide the Best Healthcare’
- MHE: The Future of Mental Health, Rights and Recovery in Europe
- MHN - Malta Health Network
- Michal Rataj
- Michal Rataj
- Milana Trucl
- Modernising Professional Qualifications Directive: EPF responds to the second Commission consultation, and issues a joint statement with EPHA, EWL, and BEUC
- Modules
- More investment needed with one year to go to restore the trust and confidence of patients and the public in the regulation of medical devices in the EU
- More investment needed with one year to go to restore the trust and confidence of patients and the public in the regulation of medical devices in the EU
- More patient involvement in patient safety
- More patient involvement needed in Health Technology Assessment
- More patients’ involvement in the medical devices world
- Multistakeholder Roundtable on “Inclusion of People with Chronic Conditions in the Workplace and Combatting Discrimination” - event report
- Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Communicating Clinical Trial Results to Meet Public Needs
- My experience at the European Health Forum Gastein
- Nadine Boesten
- NAPO - National Association of Patients' Organizations
- NCDP – National Confederation of Disabled People of Greece
- Neurological Patients’ Struggle to Get Back to Work
- New black triangle symbol for medicines subject to additional monitoring
- New Board and Members!
- New Board, New member!
- New call for project proposals!
- New calls for tender
- New developments in cross-border healthcare directive
- New EPF Board Member Hilkka Kärkkäinen: Mental Health is as Important as Physical Health
- New initiatives in the area of digital health
- New Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) call – Patient Inspired Knowledge HUB
- New Leadership at the European Patients’ Forum Secretariat
- New logo for online shop selling medicines
- New logo for online shop selling medicines
- New MEP Interest Group on Brain, Mind and Pain
- New policy for release of clinical trial data
- NEW READ: survey results on The Welfare of Patients with Chronic Diseases during COVID-19
- New recorded webinars available
- New results of the EURORDIS Rare Barometer survey on patients’ preference on rare disease data sharing and protection published
- New Roadmap Initiative tackles practical challenges of creating lay summaries of clinical trial results
- New steps regarding the Patient-MedTech Dialogue
- New Synergy under EPF Roof
- New temporary Commissioner for health
- New tool facilitates better diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease in clinical settings
- New vacancy: Youth Trainee!
- New version of EudraCT Database: A step forward for greater transparency
- New webinar series: Amplifying patient advocacy on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
- New website for IMI project EHDEN (Electronic Health Data and Evidence Network)
- New website for the PaSQ Joint Action!
- New! Blog article: Bulgarian Children Battle for Treatment
- News
- News Archive
- Newsletter
- Newsletter
- Nikos Dedes
- No Patient Safety without Patient Involvement – EPF Conference
- Non-discrimination
- Nordic Meeting for Primary Immunodeficiency: the shortage of immunoglobulins is a global problem
- Note from the EPF President
- Novel solutions? Yes, but only with patients
- November – EPF Supporting Patient Organisations in Europe
- November 2014
- November 2015
- November 2016 – New Campaign on Access, A Priority for European Patients
- Now is the Time to Protect Patients and Safeguard Access to Care
- Now it is the time for active citizenship!
- NPO - National Patients' Organisation (Bulgaria)
- Nutrition
- Nutrition is an integral part of disease management
- Nutrition: From Bare Necessity to Essential Component of Disease Management
- October 2014
- October 2015
- October 2016 – EPF’s Blog, our Window for External Contributions
- October 2017 – European Health Parliament: Meet Healthcare’s New Young Heroes
- OECD – PaRIS international survey tender is out & new Patient Safety working group looking for patient representatives
- OECD Paris Initiative: Assessing Health Systems Through the Patient’s Eyes
- OECD public consultation on access to innovative medicines
- OECD Survey: questions addressing patient reported experiences on safety
- On the Commission’s Digital Health Plans
- on the EU4Health Trilogues
- One year of EU collaboration on chronic diseases
- Ongoing Projects
- Online Event: Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic and future of HTA collaboration at EU level
- Only Patient-Centred Solutions Can Ensure eHealth Brings Benefits For Patients
- OP-ED | Julie Spony on "Supporting patient-centred innovation: the value of patient experience data"
- Open Consultation: HTA and Payers’ Use of Real-World Evidence in Decision-Making on Highly Innovative Technologies
- Open letter from patients and doctors to EU Health Ministers
- Opinion on "access to health services in the EU"
- Other pages
- Our Capacity Building Programme in Hungary Advances!
- Our European Members trained to raise funds to become strong advocates
- Our Members' Campaigns
- Our members in the spotlight: BAPD
- Our members in the spotlight: EFA
- Our members in the spotlight: European Multiple Sclerosis Platform
- Our members in the spotlight: Le Ciss
- Our members in the spotlight: Pancyprian Federation of Patients’ Associations and Friends
- Our members react to the mid-term review of the EU Disability Strategy
- Our new Capacity Building Module on Empowering Leadership and Positive Governance
- Our New Youth Group Members 2021
- Our position on In Vitro Diagnostic devices’ review is out
- Our position to promote ‘Healthcare for all’
- Our recommendations on medical devices for the Council
- Our Roadmap for Sharing Clinical Trial Data
- Our verdict on the Council position on medical devices
- Our working group tackles the access to healthcare issue
- Overview of the Capacity Building Programme (CBP) in 2016/2017
- Pandemic Anniversary
- PARADIGM presents PE Toolbox and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
- PARADIGM project: 7 months til the end. Are we on track?
- PARADIGM Survey: tell us what YOU expect from patient engagement
- Paradigm: a unique collaboration for better patient engagement in medicines development
- PARADIGM: turning patient engagement into reality one year on
- Parkinson's EUROPE
- Participate to the European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2015!
- Partnerships
- PaSQ project continues for one more year!
- PASQ project: focus on patient involvement and empowerment
- Past consultations
- Patient Access Partnership
- Patient Advocates Seminar 2021
- Patient Advocates Seminar 2021 - Testimonials
- Patient Empowerment
- Patient Empowerment Campaign
- Patient Empowerment Campaign: Closing Exhibition Framed High-Level Commitments
- Patient Empowerment Charter: 10 Fundamental Principles
- Patient Empowerment from the perspective of a young person
- Patient engagement as a de-risking element of medicine development
- Patient engagement recognised by EURORDIS Black Pearl Company Award
- Patient involvement a weak area in patient safety
- Patient involvement improves the outcome of a procurement process
- Patient involvement in EU innovative research for chronic diseases
- Patient involvement in Health Technology Assessment in Europe - An interim report on EPF survey with HTA Agencies
- Patient Involvement Matters for Health Economics
- Patient Link Workshop: High Impact Patient Advocacy
- Patient MedTech Dialogue meeting
- Patient MedTech Dialogue Workshop - ‘How can community care ensure equal and broad patient access to medical technologies?’
- Patient MedTech Dialogue Workshop on ‘HTA and Medical Technologies’
- Patient MedTech Dialogue Workshop on Access to Healthcare and the EPF’s Campaign
- Patient MedTech Dialogue Workshop on the new Medical Device and In-vitro Diagnostics Regulations
- Patient MedTech Dialogue Workshop on the Regulations on medical devices
- Patient organisations and Pharmacovigilance: are you involved? Let us know!
- Patient organisations have a role to play in fighting antibiotic resistance
- Patient Organisations Have Co-signed a Joint Statement on HTA
- Patient Organisations: the Untapped Potential of the Healthcare System
- Patient organisations’ initiatives
- Patient Perspectives
- Patient representatives from musculoskeletal / orthopaedic conditions sought to participate in new patient safety initiative on implantable medical devices
- Patient Safety
- Patient Safety at the heart of EPF’s activities
- Patient Safety Briefing Paper – “Everyone’s Business”
- Patient Safety Survey remains open until 30 April 2013!
- Patiëntenfederatie Nederland - National Coalition of Dutch Patients
- Patient-Medtech Dialogue Workshop “Patient Involvement in the Lifecycle of Medical Devices”
- Patient-MedTech Dialogue Workshops
- Patient-MedTech Dialogue Workshops: Reports now available!
- Patients & Decision-Makers Get Together in Kosovo to Address Patients’ Rights in the Region
- Patients and Discrimination: why it’s time to get involved?
- Patients at the European Congress of Radiology
- Patients at the Workplace
- Patients Campaign at the European Parliament
- Patients campaign on Data Protection
- Patients discuss the cross-border healthcare directive - Summary Report of the EPF Regional Conferences
- Patients highlights at the We Care final conference
- Patients in favour of health records access
- Patients in Health in the next mandate
- Patients in the Spotlight - Issue #1
- Patients in the Spotlight - Issue #2
- Patients need to be at the centre of digital transformation of health and care
- Patients play a key role in sustainability and cost effectiveness strategies
- Patients played a key role at DIA Europe Meeting
- Patients Rights Day
- Patients voice their position on Medical Devices
- Patients’ Academy: many views, varied ideas, one vision
- Patients’ concerns with COVID19 must be urgently addressed and voiced to Member States, says EU Commissioner Kyriakides
- Patients’ empowerment to shape the future of healthcare
- Patients’ engagement in the production health innovation
- Patients’ involvement in EMA’s activities in 2011
- Patients’ Opinion: a Prerequisite to any Debate on Access
- Patients’ representatives sharing learning and good practice
- Patients’ Rights and Safety EPF Working Groups Move Forward
- Patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare soon implemented
- Patients’ role in Coordinated and Integrated Health Services Delivery
- Patients’ safety must take precedence in EU coronavirus vaccination deals
- Patients’ safety must take precedence in EU coronavirus vaccination deals
- Patients’ voice heard at the Horatio Festival on Psychiatric Nursing
- Pedro Montellano
- Peer Leadership and Co-Production: Developing a Collective Approach
- Peer-Reviewed EUPATI Guidance on Patient Involvement in Regulatory Processes published in Frontiers in Medicine
- Peer-Reviewed EUPATI Guidance published in Frontiers in Medicine
- Personalised medicine
- PHA Europe - Pulmonary Hypertension Association Europe
- PHA Europe campaign on Organ Donation and Transplantation
- Pharmaceutical Forum
- Pharmacists and patients: could we do more?
- Pharmacovigilance
- PharmaLedger
- Pilot Cross-Border eHealth Project Shows Promise for Real-Life Impact
- PISCE Final conference – Cultural Barriers Still A Big Obstacle to Self-Care
- PISCE: EPF joins the platform of Experts of the self-care tender
- Plataforma de Organizaciones de Patientes
- Platform on Transparency and Ethics: the Guiding principles are on-going
- Poland
- Policy
- Policy & Research
- Policy Advisory Group
- Policy Topics
- Policymakers support EPDA’s Consensus Statement
- POLITICO Health Care Summit
- Portuguese Parliament supports patients’ initiative on public participation in health
- Position paper on Adherence and Concordance - Final round of consultations (Deadline 12 March 2015)
- Position paper on the Critical Medicines Alliance’s Strategic Report
- Position Papers & Briefings
- Positive Dutch decision on Pompe and Fabry disease treatments
- Positive move towards a more patient-centred clinical trials EU framework
- Positive outcomes of EPF Capacity Building Programme in Romania
- Postponement of the Application of the Medical Devices Regulation
- PREFER: New Project on Eliciting Patients’ Preferences in Benefit Risks Assessment
- Preparing the EU for Digital Health
- Presentations - Conference on Rights and Needs for Older Patients 2011
- Presentations available from EPF's autumn regional seminar
- Press Release: EPF’s Verdict - Cross-Border Healthcare
- Press Release: Is cross-border healthcare working for patients accross the EU?
- Press Releases
- Press statement on Medical Devices Regulation
- Pricing & Reimbursement
- Priorities for future European public health research
- PROACT EU-Response
- Professional Qualification Directive: EPF responds to the Commission consultation, and issues a Joint Statement with EPHA
- Professional Qualifications Directive: MEPs’ reports support EPF key points
- Profit and Loss account - 2007-2008
- Progress during STYPA 2021
- Projects
- PRO-STEP Final Conference
- PRO-STEP Final Conference – Sharing Results On Self-Management In Patients With Chronic Conditions
- PRO-STEP Final Conference: Sharing Results on Self-Management in Patients with Chronic Conditions
- Provisional Agreement on EHDS
- Provisional Members
- Public consultation on EU draft guideline for the lay summary of clinical trial results
- Public consultation on strengthening EU cooperation on HTA
- Publication Draft Minutes of EPF's 2016 Annual General Meeting
- Publications & Resources
- Putting patients in the driving seat in future digital healthcare
- Q&A: David Somekh, Network Director EHFF and member of the CEMPaC Board
- Q&A: Fanni-Laura Mäntylä – Chair of Mental Health & Healthy Workforce Committee for the European Health Parliament (EHP)
- Quality of Care
- R&I opportunities
- Radu Costin Ganescu
- Rais Fundación International Conference: Homelessness and Access to Health
- Raising awareness for the Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Rare Disease Day
- Recap of the VAC-PACT Regional Workshops
- Recent News on EU Developments on Biosimilars
- Recipes for a Healthier Europe by the new Commission President-elect?
- Reflections on STYPA 2022
- Register for EPF webinar on medical devices!
- Register now! Patient-MedTech Dialogue (22 September)
- Registration Now Open for EPF Congress 2021
- Regulation on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices- EPF’s Verdict
- Re-Launch of MEP Interest Group on Access to Healthcare
- RENEWING Health: EPF to explore the perspective of telemedecine end users
- Report “Redesigning health in Europe for 2020”
- Report from Gastein 2013's session on Patient Involvement
- Report from the EU Summit on Chronic Diseases
- Report from the EUPATI annual conference
- Report from the European Communication Summit's Health Working Group
- Report of EPF Patient Safety Conference Now Available!
- Report of our Annual General Meeting
- Report on ‘EU Patient groups & the relevance of nutrition’
- Report on multiple discrimination in access and quality of healthcare
- Report on the European Health Policy Forum Gastein
- Report on the outcomes of EPF's workshop on health and cohesion policy now available
- Report out on Clostridium Difficile infections
- Reports
- Research from the Field
- Response to the European Commission's call for feedback on the European Health Data Space
- Results of the EHDEN COVID-19 Rapid Collaboration call
- Results of the WE-CARE project
- Reviewing the Quality Principles for Info to Patients
- RI - Retina International
- Riga Health Conference 2015 - A few places available!
- Riga Roadmap published – key recommendations for patients’ participation
- Rising inequalities and harassment as fundamental rights protection falters
- Roadmap for Action
- Robert Andrew Johnstone
- Role-Players: The importance of patients in co-designing Europe’s future health system
- Romania
- Romania celebrated the patients’ week
- Romanian Patients tackle the access to healthcare issue
- Ruth Tchaparian
- SAFE introduces Stroke Support Organisation Faculty Tool
- Safe Motherhood Week
- Safer and More Controlled Devices: A Victory for Patient Safety
- Salzburg Global Seminar 2017: Toward a Shared Culture of Health
- Save the Date - "Sustainable Health Systems through Evidence-based Guidelines on Improving Health Literacy"
- SAVE THE DATE - EPF Patient Empowerment Campaign Closing Event
- Save the Date - Joint EFGCP-MedTech Europe Working Party
- Save the date for our 10th Anniversary celebration and Annual General Meeting!
- SAVE THE DATE! EPF to host a high level policy event in october
- Say Hello to Our Three New Colleagues!
- Season's Greetings
- Second phase of the Capacity Building Programme in Romania and Hungary
- Second Regional Conference on Cross-Border Healthcare
- Second Regional Conference on patients’ rights in Cross-Border Healthcare
- Second working conference of the PISCE Platform of experts
- Secretariat
- See the EPF board on video!
- Self-medication and antibiotic resistance
- September 2014
- September 2015
- September 2016 - EUPATI: Final Milestones and Change in Sight
- September 2017 - EPF Promotes the Patients’ Perspective to European Projects
- Setting the EU patient safety and quality agenda for 2014
- Sexual Health & Well-Being Project
- Sexual health and well-being of young people with chronic conditions
- Shaping a European Health Data Space for patients and with patients
- Shaping a European Health Data Space with and for patients
- Shaping a European Health Union that delivers a new deal for patients and civil society
- Shaping a health literate Europe
- Shaping a patient-centred European health data environment
- Shaping the EU pharmaceutical legislation for patients – EPF to release advocacy toolkit for members
- Shaping the future EU policy framework for health
- Share it with your members! EPF Regional Advocacy Seminar (6-7 June 2016, the Netherlands)
- Share your e-work with us!
- Share your experience of rare disease treatments via the new Rare Barometer Voices survey
- Sharing of clinical trials results to increase transparency
- Sharing results of the PRO-STEP project
- Shot Callers Part 2
- Shot Callers: A Virtual Event on COVID-19 Vaccines
- Show that patients want to share our health data to improve research!
- Sign EPF Manifesto
- Sign Our Petition and Add YOUR Voice to Our Call for Universal Access to Healthcare!
- Sign Up
- Sjögren Europe
- Skills Training Course for Young Patient Advocates (STYPA)
- Slovakia
- Smart Open Services for European Patients
- SmartCare
- SmartCare final Conference: 6 July 2016
- SmartCare Final Meeting – Towards Better Integrated Care
- SmartCare project visits Scotland and Greece
- SmartCare project: visit of the Trieste site
- SmartCare: First meeting of the User Advisory Board
- SmartCare: Visit of the Aragon’s pilot site
- So long Camille, and thanks for all the fish!
- Social Rights
- Solène Jouan
- SOSTE - Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health
- Spanish Chronic Patients Must be Prioritised in the COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy
- Speaker and workshop presentations for HTA seminar now available
- Special report from EPF in Gastein 2013
- Spread the word: 3rd edition of EPF Summer Training for Young Patient Advocates
- Stanimir Hasurdjiev
- State of Universal Healthcare Coverage in Europe: EPF’s view on Médecins du Monde’s recent report
- State of Universal Healthcare Coverage in Europe: EPF’s view on Médecins du Monde’s recent report
- Stella de Sabata
- Stepping up a gear on EPF Campaign
- Stepping up the involvement of the patient community in the fight against AMR
- Stop the press: ENVI committee adopts draft report on medical devices
- Strategic Plan
- Strengthening health Systems through the Tallinn Charter
- Strengthening the Capacity of Patient Organisations in Bulgaria
- Stroke Alliance for Europe - SAFE
- Stroke Alliance for Europe launches 2nd webinar in the Life After Stroke Series 2021
- Strong Patient representation at European Health Forum Gastein
- Stronger Connected: building national neurological alliances
- Structured collaboration between patients and informal carers
- STYPA 2017 - Overcoming Discrimination
- STYPA 2018 - Inclusion and Non-Discrimination
- STYPA 2019 - Shaping the Future of Patient Advocacy
- STYPA 2020 - Shaping The Future of Patient Advocacy
- STYPA 2020 - Shaping The Future of Patient Advocacy
- STYPA 2021 - Shaping the Future of Patient Advocacy
- STYPA 2022 - Sexual health and well-being for young people
- STYPA 2023 - Shortages
- STYPA 2024 - Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
- STYPA 2025 - Shaping the Future of Digital Health and AI
- STYPA2021 Kick-Off
- Successful project application: EMPATHY
- Summer Training Course for Young Patient Advocates 2019: Becoming #Advocates4Health
- Summer Training Course for Young Patient Advocates 2019: Shaping the Future of Patient Advocacy “Get Ready! 45 days to go to our Third Edition!”
- Support 2005
- Support 2006
- Support 2007
- Support 2008
- Support 2009
- Supporting Member’s Capacity in Cyprus
- Supporting the growing network of EUPATI National Platforms
- Survey on access to quality care
- Survey on advancing migrant access to health services (Deadline: 31 March)
- Survey on EHR – five new languages available
- Survey Report on Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
- Survey Report on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients & Patient Organisations
- Survey results: Assessing AI Awareness and Perceptions among Patient Organisations
- Susanna Palkonen
- Sustainable Development Goals
- SUSTAINS project shifts into high gear
- SUSTAINS project: Patient Empowerment Survey available soon
- SUSTAINS’s User Requirements Report is out!
- SUSTENTO - The Latvian Umbrella Body For Disability Organization
- Swedish Disability Rights Federation
- Sylvie Vandereyd
- Take part in new task force on inclusion of vulnerable groups’ perspectives within patient organisations
- Take part in the European survey on polypharmacy and adherence
- Take part in this consensus process about Patients’ Preferences!
- Taking Action to Engage Paediatric and Young Patients in Medicines Research and Development
- Taking Action: A Roadmap to Achieving Universal Health Coverage for All by 2030
- Taking Action: EPF Organises Meeting to Present and Discuss Next Steps to Achieve Universal Health Coverage
- Tell us how the future EU framework on Health Technology Assessment should look like!
- Tell us what you think of our revised paper on medicine prices - Participate in a virtual meeting on 21 June!
- Ten EU NGO ally to question the next Health Commissioner
- Testimonial: ‘Healthy ageing and the challenge of comorbidity’
- Thank you for contacting us
- Thank you!
- The #FightInequalities Campaign Gets Underway
- The “Patient Prescribe” Campaign: next steps
- The 4th edition of the European Health Parliament is ready to kick off
- The 4th edition of the European Health Parliament officially comes to a close
- The Board
- The Case for National Coalitions of Patient Organisations: Louder and Stronger Together
- The clock is ticking on cross-border healthcare!
- The Economist Conference
- The EHDEN consortium launches a second open call for SMEs.
- The EPF eHealth Seminar is approaching!
- The ESF+ Health Programme: “Investing in people” should not just be a budget heading but truly support better healthcare
- The EU Cancer Plan will be meaningful and fully patient-centric, says EU Commissioner Stella Kyriakides
- The EU needs to Guarantee the Delivery and Supply of Cross-Border Medical products during the COVID-19 Outbreak
- The EU4Health 2021 Work Programme – a missed opportunity to support European health NGOs to play their key role in the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
- The EU4Health Civil Society Alliance Appeals to President von der Leyen to appoint a Vice-President for Health, Wellbeing and Social Rights
- The EU4Health Civil Society Alliance expresses concerns about restrictions on civil society’s activities
- The EU4Health Civil Society Alliance expresses concerns about the lack of information on the EU4Health work programme 2025
- The EU4Health Civil Society Alliance supports the European Health Union Manifesto
- The EUPATI face-to-face training event in Madrid: 4 days of fun and hard work
- The EUPATI Toolbox on Medicines Research and Development is LIVE!
- The European Cancer Patient’s Bill of Rights
- The European Commission launches public consultation on the draft guidance on lay summaries of clinical trials
- The European Commission must not hold back in the fight against AMR
- The European Health Forum Gastein Turns 20!
- The European Patients' Academy (EUPATI)
- The European Patients' Forum contributes to the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority’s (HERA) review
- The European Patient's Forum mourns the death of Noël Wathion, former EMA Deputy Executive Director
- The European Patients’ Forum calls for a patient-centred revision of the EU pharmaceutical legislation
- The European Patients’ Forum calls for ensuring access to paediatric medicines
- The European Union Network on Patient Safety and Quality of Care is running
- The fight against breast cancer in the EU
- The first European Congress driven by patients begins today in Brussels, Belgium.
- The future of eHealth is already here
- The Future of European Public Health Research
- The Future of Healthcare in Cyprus – New perspectives for Young Patients
- The Health Literacy Blueprint from the patients’ perspective
- The impact of health professional’s mobility on patients’ rights
- The importance of vaccination for patients
- The importance of vaccination for patients
- The issues of employment for young patients
- The need for patients’ perspective to face chronic diseases
- The New Duchenne Emergency and Capacity Building Program
- the new European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA)
- The official Patient Empowerment Campaign video!
- The page cannot be found - 404
- The Patient Empowerment Campaign - Your vital role!
- The Patient Empowerment Campaign: more ways to get involved
- The patients’ perspective at DIA Euromeeting
- The presentations of the training on Transparency & Ethics are now available!
- The Spanish Platform for Patient Organisations responds to COVID19
- The value of health in practice in Hungary
- The Vilnius Declaration to ensure future sustainable healthcare systems
- The votes are closed, and the campaign goes on
- Theodor Petrov brings EMPATHY to comics
- Third Regional Conference on Cross-Border Healthcare
- Three working groups to empower EPF Policy Advisory Group
- Time to Reflect on Avenues to Improve HTA Processes
- Tips and Tricks when working remotely in the Time of COVID-19
- To protect and advance what matters most to everyone in Europe: A Commission Vice-President for Health
- Together, let’s demonstrate the added-value of patient organisations!
- Toolkits
- Tools to use the EPF Campaign for the 2014 EU Elections
- Towards a patient-centred EU mandate: Health policy with and for patients
- Towards a patient-centred EU mandate: Health policy with and for patients
- Towards an Italian coalition of patients’ representatives
- Towards an official recognition of the Patients’ Rights Day?
- Towards promising opportunities with the new EURIPID collaboration
- Training on Mental Health
- Transparency
- Transparency is our legitimacy currency: let’s protect it!
- Two consultations on mHealth safety and quality: have your say!
- Two more steps towards a patient-centred health system in Portugal
- Types of Membership
- Types of patient organisations
- Ukraine Crisis Resources Page
- Understanding AI Webinar Series #2: AI Ethics & Regulations
- Universal Access to Health event - 9th October in Brussels
- Universal Access to Health: How Can We All Contribute?
- Universal Access to Health: How can we contribute?
- Universal Health Coverage Day 2019
- Universal health, a matter of human rights and a public health priority
- Universal health, a matter of Human Rights and a public health priority
- Unmet needs of patients regarding nutrition
- Up and running EPF Capacity Building Programme
- Upcoming Consensus Meeting on Access and Equity
- Upcoming EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029
- Upcoming Events
- Update on the draft report on medical devices
- Update on the Multi-Financial Framework
- Updates on the Joint Action CHRODIS
- Uppsala Health Summit on healthy ageing
- URGENT! CHRODIS Joint Action: Call for patients and multi-morbidity experts
- Use of medicines and antimicrobial resistance
- User acceptance of eHealth: hype, hope or reality?
- Using your e-prescription in a different country
- Vaccination
- Vaccination for patients with chronic conditions
- Vaccines: information is key
- Valentina Strammiello
- Value Of Patient Involvement In Innovation
- Value+
- Value+ Conference Report on Patient Involvement now available
- Vasilis Karatzias
- Veronica Rubio
- Video in EU languages
- Videos
- Volunteer vacancy: Policy Assistant
- Volunteers needed to review translations of biosimilar Q&A
- Vote of the Clinical Trials Regulation
- VPP - Flemish Patients' Platform
- Wanted! Patient associations active in the field of eating disorders
- Watch EPF Breakfast Briefings' livestreams here!
- Watch our Capacity Building Programme on video!
- Watch our Video Campaign for the 2014 EU Elections
- Watch the project Chain of Trust on video!
- We Care project: how quality healthcare services can be preserved?
- WE CARE Survey: what should healthcare look like in 2035?
- We Have Moved! EPF Has a New Address from This Summer On!
- We need you! Survey on defining access from the patient's perspective
- We need your help to ensure patient involvement is part of Medical Devices legislation
- We need your input to finalise EPF’s Position on Food and Nutrition!
- We need your input to finalise our Roadmap to achieve Universal Health Coverage!
- Webinar 1: Patient advocacy on AMR in the EU: Where do we begin?
- Webinar 2: How do we use our voices to reach a wider community for AMR?
- Webinar 3: How can we take AMR advocacy to the next level, including policymaking?
- Webinar series | Amplifying patient advocacy on AMR
- WEBINAR: "Active Surveillance: Looking for Quality of Life after Diagnosis of low grade Prostate Cancer"
- Webinar: "E-health and telemedicine – what are we really talking about?”
- Webinar: How can patient organisations access pro bono legal support?
- WEBINAR: Model Access Solutions Initiative
- Webinar: patient involvement in clinical nutrition guidelines
- Webinar: Young patients and employment: Barriers and good practices - Launch of the EPF Youth Group WAYS survey results
- Website Policy
- Website under construction
- Weekly Mailing
- Welcome Brooke!
- Welcome Camille, our new Membership Officer!
- Welcome Diana!
- Welcome Stefania and Leah
- Welcome to 2016!
- Welcome to Adriana and Zuzanna!
- Welcome to EPF Connect, the EPF Online Platform for members only!
- Welcoming a new member: European Haemophilia Consortium
- WFIPP - World Federation of Incontinence and Pelvic PROBLEMS
- What does ‘EMPATHY’ mean for young patients?
- What does quality care mean for you?
- What is a patient organisation?
- What is to be a patient today in Europe?
- What is your future of Europe?
- What our role means for the Finnish patient?
- What patients expect from the EU Elections?
- What the EU should start, stop or do differently?
- Who can access fertility treatments in Europe?
- WHO has designated 2021 the International Year of Health and Care Workers
- WHO Meeting on Patient-Centred Services
- Who supports us?
- Who we are
- Why do victims of adverse drug reactions not get compensation in Europe?
- Why Empowerment matters – a medical student's perspective
- Why health is crucial to European Recovery?
- Why the vaccination of healthcare professionals is important to patients
- Work and Youth Strategy (WAYS)
- Working Group on Digital Health
- Working Group on Patient Empowerment
- Working Group on Universal Access to Healthcare
- Working Groups
- Working party on nutrition and health: report from the Berlin conference available!
- Working together for a PARADIGM shift for patient engagement in medicines development
- Working with a chronic condition
- Workshop on “Access to and Uptake of Biosimilars”
- Workshop on the Revision of EU Medical Devices Directive
- WORKSHOP: Digital Tools for Patient Empowerment and Person-Centred Care - best practices that boost cooperation between patients and healthcare professionals
- World Atopic Eczema Day
- World Autism Awareness Day
- World Continence Week 2020
- World Duchenne Awareness Day
- World Duchenne Organization
- World Earth Day
- World Haemophilia Day
- World Health Day 2013 campaigns on high blood pressure
- World Health Day 2018: ‘Universal Health Coverage: everyone, everywhere’
- World Health Day 2020
- World Health Day 2021
- World Health Day 2021: Building a fairer, healthier world for everyone
- World Health Day and Diabetes – JA CHRODIS Activities
- World Health Day: European patients' organisations speak out on Universal Health Coverage
- World Mental Health Day 2020: Growth, resilience and self-determination: essential pillars of future mental health services
- World Parkinson Day 2021
- World Patient Safety Day
- World Patient Safety Day 2021
- World Patient Safety Day 2021
- World Patient Safety Day 2022 - Key takeaways
- World Primary Immunodeficiencies (PI) Week
- World Pulmonary Hypertension Day – photo contest
- World Scleroderma Day
- World Tuberculosis Day
- Yann Heyer
- Yasemin Zeisl
- Young Patient Advocate? Our New Initiative is just for You!
- Young Patient Advocates learning about the Virtues of Leadership
- Young Patients Advocates Get Ready for Summer Training
- Young Patients present at Yo! Fest
- Young patients talking to the EU
- Young people in need: A unique European map of helplines and services
- Your feedback needed! EPF Roadmap on Patient Empowerment
- Your feedback needed: Charter on Patient Empowerment
- Your feedback needed: EPF Position Paper on Quality of Care
- Your feedback needed: the future of the Health Technology Assessment Network
- Your input needed: CHRODIS questionnaire on multimorbidity training programmes
- Your input needed: ISPOR Patient Representative Roundtable
- Your Opinion Matters! Take on our New Surveys
- Youth Advocacy during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Youth Group
- Youth Group Activities
- Youth Group at the #EPFCongress2021
- Youth Group Members
- Youth Group: Advocacy and Fundraising During a Pandemic
- Youth Strategy
- Youtube link