Using your e-prescription in a different country

Since the beginning of this year, Finnish patients will be able to use their prescriptions to buy their medicine in Estonia. This is the first time in Europe that electronic prescriptions are being recognised between countries.
Pharmacists participating in this initiative will be able to access the prescription through the Commission’s Digital Service Infrastructure. Legally, this is made possible in the context of the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive. The European Parliament is working on an own-initiative implementation report on this Directive – to which EPF has contributed based on our position papers on cross-border healthcare. The report will be debated and adopted in early February.
EPF strongly supports this form of cooperation between Finland and Estonia, and we would warmly welcome more such collaborations between countries. At the same time, these collaborations can serve as a reminder for remaining hurdles. For instance, the matter of unequal availability of medicines in different countries cannot be ignored. The issue of which country will be responsible for reimbursement is an essential one for patients; and an additional question is raised when there is a price-difference between the countries. Those were some of the concerns EPF put forward. They are reflected in the implementation report, and we look forward to seeing it adopted.
For more information please contact Kostas Aligiannis.