EPF releases a fundraising toolkit for patient organisations

Sustainability of patient organisations is a strategic priority for EPF. With the release of this toolkit specifically developed for patient organisations (SEE BELOW), EPF hopes to give its members and patient organisations across Europe some practical tools to approach fundraising and reach sustainability.
Objectives of the toolkit
What is fundraising? Did you know it's not all about money? How can you identify new sponsors for your organisation?
This 40-page toolkit aims to help you to an understanding of what fundraising is and guide you step-by-step in drafting your fundraising plan. The publication also explores the different fundraising strategies available depending on the profile of your organisation, and help you to assess your fundraising activities?
About the authors
This publication is the work of Simona Biancu, Alberto Cuttica and Carmen Netzel from the Consultancy ENGAGEDin.
More information
You can download the toolkit below. For further information or feedback, please contact Camille Bullot, EPF Membership & Stakeholder Manager (camille.bullot@eu-patient.eu).