EU JA CHRODIS General Assembly: Achievements & Next Steps

On 4-5 February, partners of the Joint Action CHRODIS met in Madrid for the 2nd Annual Meeting of the project and the 3rd Stakeholder Forum. EPF Programme Officer Valentina Strammiello and EPF Policy Adviser Laurène Souchet participated in the event as EPF is a partner in this CHRODIS.
The meeting gave the opportunity to discuss the projects’ achievements in 2015 and to prepare the work for the year 2016.
As a strategic partner, EPF contributed a patients’ perspective in different outputs for 2015:
- The productions of a promotional video for JA-CHRODIS, introducing chronic diseases and the aims of the JA – see the video here
- The development of a framework for care of multimorbidity patients applicable across Europe, soon to be published
- The testing of the Platform of Knowledge Exchange to ensure it is fit for future users from the patient community.
- The production of a policy brief on National Diabetes plan in collaboration with WHO Europe’s European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. The final version will be realised in April 2016.
A key topic discussed by partners and stakeholders at the meeting was the setting up of the Platform on Knowledge Exchange, which is currently under construction and due to be operational by the end of 2016. This platform will allow healthcare professionals, policy makers and other stakeholders from across Europe to upload and share good practices and policies on chronic diseases. The submitted practices will then be evaluated according to criteria set by panel of experts during the Joint Action. The Platform will also include an on-line help-desk for users and a digital library containing contents of interest for stakeholders.
“The CHRODIS platform will be a key source of information on good practices currently in place across Europe. Through sharing these practices, stakeholders and decision makers can work together to improve the quality of care for chronic diseases patient in the EU. The success and sustainability of the platform is crucial for the patient community”, said the EPF representatives after the meeting.
Another important task in 2016 in which EPF will provide input is the review of existing multimorbidity case management training programs implemented across the EU. This review will support the development of guidelines on essential components for such trainings.
Contact: Valentina Strammiello, Programme Officer,