Patient MedTech Dialogue Workshop on Access to Healthcare and the EPF’s Campaign

Save the Date - 2 June 2017
On 2 June 2017, in the context of the Patient-MedTech Dialogue, EPF and MedTech Europe will organize a half a day workshop on Access to healthcare and the EPF Campaign on Universal Health Coverage. During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to hear the patients’ and the industry’s perspectives on various themes of Access to Healthcare. Furthermore, there will be an opportunity to exchange views on two of the Campaigns’ themes: committing to sustainable investment in health and implementing access to a holistic range of health and social services.
For further background information on EPFs Campaign on Access, please click here.
Please note that there will be a Patient-MedTech Dialogue Workshop on the new Medical Devices Regulations taking place the afternoon prior, on 1 June, from 13.30-18.00. Please click here for further information.
When and where?
On 2 June 2017, from 9.00-13.00. The workshop will be held in Brussels (Belgium) at the Thon Hotel EU. Please click here for the agenda.
Who can participate?
Patients’ representatives from EPF membership who are interested in getting involved in the EPF Campaign on Access and understand the industry’s perspective on this issue.
How to register.
If you would like to join the discussion, please register with Katie Gallagher directly, by 5 May 2017. Travel and accommodation will be reimbursed by MedTech Europe. Please confirm your travel plans with Tímea Rezi Kató (MedTech Europe), prior to booking your travel.