Call for Interest: Join the IDERHA Patient Advisory Board

The European Patients Forum (EPF) and Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE) are pleased to announce a call for representatives for the patient advisory Board (PAB) for the project titled "Integration of Heterogeneous Data and Evidence towards Regulatory and HTA Acceptance" (IDERHA).
IDERHA is a project aiming to develop a scalable platform for integrating diverse real-world data to support healthcare professionals, patients, and researchers in improving patient outcomes. It is part of the Europe Beating Cancer Plan and focuses on using artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze health data for early detection of lung cancer and enhancing the quality of life for individuals affected by the disease.
The PAB represents one of the three boards of the project, charged with gathering the perspective of patient representatives, monitoring and reviewing IDERHA activities from a user perspective, and helping to create meaningful patient involvement and input throughout the project.
At this stage of the project, the PAB already has seven members, and we are looking for more participants to reach fifteen individuals to ensure representation of profiles from different geographies, genders, disease areas, age ranges, and levels of health literacy. We are especially looking for people who have experience with lung cancer.
Please complete the application form online here. The application form consists of questions about your personal details (name, country of residence, experience), short questions about your motivation for applying, a declaration of interest, and information on how EPF will process your personal information. Please do not forget to attach your CV to the application form. Please submit your application form online with attached supporting documents by May 30th, 2024. If you are also willing to apply for the coordinator position, please tick the box about it.
- May 2nd – Launch of the call
- May 30th – Close of the call
- June 5th and 6th – Short calls with shortlisted applications
Make sure you go through the full document explaining the details of the call before submitting your application. The extended call for interest is available here.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Estefania Callejas De Luca at