Your input needed: CHRODIS questionnaire on multimorbidity training programmes

The European Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and Promoting Healthy Ageing across the Life Cycle (JA-CHRODIS) aims to promote and facilitate a process of exchange and transfer of good practices between European countries and regions, addressing chronic conditions, with a specific focus on health promotion and prevention of chronic conditions, multimorbidity and diabetes.
Survey on training programmes for personnel dealing with multimorbid patients
The Joint Action CHRODIS partners have developed a questionnaire with the goal of designing multimorbidity case management training programmes for care personnel. Patients with multimorbidity are patients with more than one condition. The questionnaire provides a structured overview of training programmes for case managers (healthcare personnel who coordinates the care of multimorbid patients). The responses to this questionnaire will be used to map existing training programmes at the European level.
Know of such training programmes? Fill in the questionnaire!
If you know of such training programmes in your country or disease area focusing on care for multimorbid patients, please fill in the questionnaire here by 17 July and send your response back to
Who can participate?
The questionnaire is open to experts including experts from national, regional and local health institutes or public authorities, patients’ associations, academia so don’t hesitate to send it to your relevant contacts.
More about CHRODIS...
To learn more about the CHRODIS Joint Action to which EPF is a partner, please click here.