Towards a patient-centred EU mandate: Health policy with and for patients

EPF High-Level Policy Event | 16 October 2024, Brussels, Belgium

The high-level policy event aims to conclude EPF’s EU elections campaign by bringing together elected MEPs and representatives of our membership in a conversation about how to consolidate patient involvement in policy in the new EU mandate.

Building on the EPF Patient Organisations’ manifesto adopted at EPF’s 20th anniversary celebration in 2023, this event will take stock of progress in putting systemic patient involvement on the policy agenda and celebrate commitments made by candidates to support it during their mandate. 

This will be the first EPF event organised during the 2024-2029 EU political mandate. It will aim to build connections, set the tone, and start the work in the new EP to involve patients and patient organisations at all levels of policy making. In addition, it has the potential to promote this topic on the agenda of the next EU Commission, by building awareness and support ahead of the Commissioner hearings in the EP. 

The event will be held on 16 October 2024, Renaissance Hotel, Brussels (Belgium). 

The provisional agenda is available here