EPF roundtable on cross-border healthcare

EPF roundtable on the Implementation of the EU Directive on patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare
In 2016, the European Patients’ Forum published a position paper on the implementation of the Directive on patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare, based on feedback from the patient community. We found a very patchy situation across Europe, with discrepancies in access and an overall lack of clear information for patients about their rights and entitlements.
The EPF 2017 Roundtable will provide an updated assessment of the current state of implementation of the directive from the perspective of patients across the EU, including:
- Information and transparency
- Quality and safety of care
- Equity of access
The roundtable will be an opportunity to hear from patient representatives on what is working well and where there are gaps and unmet needs. Based on this, we will try to seek answers together to what more needs to be done at policy and practice levels by the EU and Member States to realise patients’ rights.
See the draft agenda here.
When and Where?
The roundtable will take place on 4 December 2017, from 9.00 to 16.30, at Thon Hotel EU, Brussels.
Who should attend?
The event is aimed at patients’ representative, healthcare advocates, healthcare professionals, national and EU-level policy-makers, and other interested stakeholders.
Are you interested? Register now!
- EPF members
EPF members that are interested in attending, can register HERE before 10 November. In case there are more registrations than can be accepted, EPF will make a selection to ensure a balanced representation of participants. Please note that EPF has the capacity to cover the travel and accommodation of only one person per organisation.
- Other stakeholders
If you are interested, please register HERE before 20 November. Please note that in order to ensure a balanced representation of participants, a selection may have to be made.
For more information please contact Kostas Aligiannis (kostas.aligiannis@eu-patient.eu)