European Patients' Academy - Join the EUPATI Network!

In order to avoid the duplication of educational documents that are already available, all consortium members have called upon their member organisations to make the project aware about existing material. We warmly thank those EPF members that have responded to this request! In total, more than 260 documents were submitted. The "Needs Assessment" work package, led by University of Manchester, is now reviewing that material, laying the base for need-based content development in EUPATI.
Furthermore, the "EUPATI Network" has been launched very recently. The EUPATI Network aims to involve those existing organisations and initiatives in the health care sector that are not part of the project today. Input received from Network members will make sure that the materials developed by the Patients' Academy will meet the specific needs of the community on the national level. In addition, local members will help the Patients' Academy in making the educational resources available across Europe.
We call on all EPF members to become members of the EUPATI Network! Please join by signing up for free on The project will then keep you up to date about news, you will be in a priority position to receive invitation to EUPATI events, you can make your voice heard in the project, and collaborate on the national level!
Should you be interested to know more please visit EUPATI website or contact Jan Geissler, EUPATI Director,