Watch our Capacity Building Programme on video!

The film offers a clear insight into the programme, where it stands now, how it made a difference for patients’ organisations, and what comes after this first phase.
In total 20 patient organisations from Hungary and Romania and five pan-European disease-specific patient organisations took part in the programme in 2012. In the video, key representatives descirbe the benefits of this experience for their own organisation.
For some of them, planning strategically was a completely new thing. For others it was an excellent opportunity to review their strategy taking into account what they have achieved since the adoption of the previous one as well as changing external environment.
Drawing on the outcomes of the first phase of the programme, training modules will be provided in local languages to the various organisations in 2013 and 2014. Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia joined the programme in 2013.
For more information, please contact either Walter Atzori, Senior Programme Officer, at or Liuska Sanna, EPF Programme Manager, at