EPF – Medicines for Europe Dialogue

Following the EPF-Medicines for Europe Dialogue of 31 May 2016, EPF and Medicines for Europe are organising a second edition of the dialogue.
The meeting will resume the debate on how to optimise efforts for better access to high quality medicines by building on the successful event of 2016, the progress we have made over the last year, and focusing on how to structure our future collaboration looking forward.
See the draft agenda.
On 26 April 2017, from 12.30 to 17.00.
At the Renaissance Brussels Hotel in Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels.
How to register?
Register via this link asap, and by Friday 14 April at the latest.
Please note that travel and accommodation can be covered by Medicines for Europe, subject to confirmation.
What else?
Those who will attend the dialogue are also welcome to join another meeting taking place the day after, on 27 April, at the same place, on ‘Universal Access to Health'.
More information
Please find here the report of last year’s event.
For any logistical information, do not hesitate to contact Jocelyne Jados: jjados@medicinesforeurope.com
We hope to see you there and look forward to another constructive meeting.