Call for candidates for the Steering Group of the Patient-MedTech dialogue – Deadline 19 April

EPF is launching a call for candidates to participate to the Steering Group of the Patient MedTech dialogue, which comprises 3 patient representatives, and 3 industry representatives.
About the MedTech Dialogue
The dialogue, established since 2011 and co organised by the European Patients’ Forum and MedTech Europe (the industry association for medical devices and in vitro diagnostics and medical devices), reunites patients organisations representatives and industry representatives. It offers a unique opportunity to have constructive exchange with the MedTech industry on topics of common interest, develop patient-centred healthcare models. For more information please read EPF’s memorandum of understanding with MedTech Europe here.
An example of outcome of the dialogue is the checklist of principles for patient-centred companies, published in 2014 and distributed in the MedTech Forum, a major conference held yearly by MedTech Europe:
What is the added value of working in the steering group?
- Through participation in the steering group, you will learn more on medical devices and in vitro diagnostics, which play a very important role in the diagnosis and management of many chronic conditions, and you will be able to stay up to date on latest developments.
- It is a key opportunity to dialogue with industry representatives that are interested in the patients’ perspective, and to drive change towards patient empowerment and patient centeredness in the field of medical devices
- The steering group of the Patient MedTech dialogue offers a key opportunity to have a decision role in setting the yearly work plan for the dialogue
- The steering group choose themes for discussion in the dialogue, as well as topics which need more in depth workshops with the contribution of external experts
- The steering group also suggests potential contribution from patients’ representatives at the MedTech Forum (in accordance with MedTech Europe who is organising the event)
What does participation in the steering group require?
- Strong interest in sharing your perspective and expertise on matters related to medical devices (whether its access, safety, quality of devices, information to patients etc.…)
- Willingness to travel to the 2 plenary meetings of the Patient MedTech dialogue every year
- Ability to participate to 4-5 teleconferences (held in English) a year
- Time before each teleconference to read background material and prepare suggestion/comments (approximately 1 hour)
- Ability to take the lead of a discussion group, or to make presentations at the Patient MedTech dialogue meetings when needed
How to apply?
Please send an application e-mail to Laurène Souchet, EPF Policy Adviser, by 19 April at the latest.
In your application e-mail please describe:
- By which organisation member of EPF you are nominated (you need to be endorsed by your organisation to participate)
- A paragraph or two explaining your interest or expertise in medical devices or in vitro diagnostics. You can also describe the work your organisation has done in this area.
- A suggestion for a topic or project you think the dialogue could work on in the future
How will the Steering Group members be selected?
Given the limited space in the steering group (3 places for patients representatives), EPF reserve the right to nominate the members of the steering group based on the above mentioned application e-mail. Nomination will be for a period of 2 years.