Call for patients who have experienced Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

As part of the European Antibiotic Awareness Day on 18 November 2024, EPF is collaborating with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and Health First Europe (HFE) to launch a new series of patient stories highlighting the critical issue of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).

These patient stories aim to personalise and deepen public understanding of the impact of AMR. In particular,

  • Broaden public knowledge about AMR through real-life stories that illustrate its impact on individuals’ lives, their families and societies at large;
  • Emphasise that everyone, from healthcare professionals to patients and policymakers, has a crucial role in ensuring the continued effectiveness of antimicrobials;
  • Promote prudent use of antimicrobials by demonstrating, through patient narratives, the consequences of misuse of these medicines;
  • Demystify AMR for general audiences by breaking down complex scientific concepts related to AMR into understandable, relatable content.

The focus of the stories will be on a diverse array of patient experiences, including:

  • Difficult-to-treat infections: highlighting the use of last-line antibiotics.
  • Travel-related infections: showcasing infections acquired on other continents, but treated in Europe.
  • Need for consecutive or combined use of several antimicrobials: exploring the complexities and challenges of treatments that involve multiple antimicrobials.
  • Diversity of patients: including female and male patients, from oncology, intensive care unit (ICU), transplantation, and cystic fibrosis contexts, for whom effective antimicrobials are life-saving medicines.

The stories will also be presented in various formats:

  • Written narratives: in-depth articles detailing each patient's journey.
  • Video testimonials or other audiovisual products upon availability: personal and engaging visual stories, in the patient’s national language, and with subtitles in English.
  • Social media cards: designed for easy use and sharing, these will highlight the patient story, as well as key messages and statistics on AMR.

Click here to read the full description. If you are a patient or know of any patients who fit these criteria, please contact Yann Heyer, EPF's Policy Officer, at