The Board

EPF is administered by a Board of Members elected by the Annual General Meeting for a term of two years. The Board meets five times a year to provide political leadership, ensure the good running of the Secretariat and oversee the implementation of the annual work programme.

EPF Annual General Meeting allows EPF Members to meet on an annual basis to review the association’s achievements and to implement objectives for the upcoming year.

Public Declaration of Interests (DOI) - EPF Board Members

DOI - Marco Greco

DOI - Radu Costin Ganescu

DOI - Elilsabeth Kasilingam

DOI - Elena Moya

DOI - Isabel Proano

DOI - Andreas Christodoulou

DOI - Pedro Carrascal

DOI - Nikos Dedes 

DOI - Konstantina Boumaki 

Related Information

2021 EPF Board - Nomination Form