EPF Strategic Planning Working Group

EPF has initiated during a seminar in April 2012 the process to develop a new Strategic Plan for our organisation from 2014 to 2020, which is the next EU programming period. It was agreed at the seminar that EPF should set up a small working group made up of appropriate representatives of its members. The Board has decided on the composition of the working group and members are:
- Dorica Dan, President of the Romanian National Alliance for Rare Diseases
- Albert J. Jovell, President of the Spanish Patients Forum
- Mary Lynne Van Poelgeest, President of the World Federation for Incontinent Patients – WFIP
- Tunde Koltai, Member of the board Association of European Coeliac Societies
- Maria Nyman, Mental Health Europe
- Gareth Davies, European Cleft Oganisation
- Hilkka Karkainnen, Gamian-Europe
- Pip Reilly, European Infertility Alliance
- Arron Gil, EFCCA
- Nicola Bedlington, EPF
- Liuska Sanna, EPF
This working group supports the process moving forward and provides input and expertise to develop the draft Plan. A first draft will emerge at the start of 2013 for extensive consultation with the EPF board, EPF policy advisory group, the wider membership and selected external stakeholders.
In parallel an EPF S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis will take place using an assessment instrument designed for our capacity building programme.
A final version of the EPF Strategic Plan will be presented for endorsement at our Annual General Meeting in Dublin in May 2013.
For more information, please contact nicola.bedlington@eu-patient.eu