EPF co-signs statement supporting Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes

In November 2015, EPF co-signed the statement launched by the European Animal Research Association in support of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. The Statement, signed by 191 organisations, supports research using animals where alternative methods are not available, where the potential benefits to health are compelling, and where acceptable ethical and welfare standards can be met. The use of animals in research has facilitated major breakthroughs in medicine which have transformed human and animal health. The statement highlights the role of the Directive in promoting higher animal welfare standards in research across Europe.
This statement comes in a context where in 2015 a European citizen initiative requested the repelling of the directive and prohibition of use of animal in scientific research. The Commission will review this Directive by end of 2017, taking into account advancements in the development of alternative methods not entailing the use of animals, and will propose amendments where appropriate
The statement is available here: