EPF Youth Group: WAYS project conclusions and upcoming projects

On 10-12 April the members of the EPF Youth Group gathered in Antwerp (Belgium) to attend their bi-annual 2019 meeting. One of the main outcomes of this meeting was the advancement of the WAYS (Work and Youth Strategy) project. The quantitative part of the analysis of the survey answers has been finalized, and the next step is to stress-test this analysis and include a qualitative part in the overall study. The project will run until late 2019, and it will conclude with the development of a factsheet and a video with the main outputs of the survey.
Another key highlight of the meeting was deciding the Youth Group agenda once the WAYS project will officially come to an end. All members agreed that sexual health and sexual education is a highly important topic, often still a taboo topic among youngsters.
Furthermore, during the meeting we also welcomed a new member, Ivett Jakab. Ivett is a 27-year-old health economist from Budapest, Hungary. She was liver transplanted at the age of 16 due to Wilson’s disease. Her mission is to bring the perspective of decision makers and patients closer together for a more patient-centred healthcare in Europe. Read more about Ivett here.