Project information
- Full title: PROPHET (PeRsOnalised Prevention roadmap for the future HEalThcare in Europe)
- Duration: 48 Months (1 September 2022 – 31 August 2026)
- Status: Ongoing
- Funding programme: PROPHET is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe research and Innovation Programme, under Grant agreement ID: 101057721.
What will the project do?
- PROPHET will engage organisations and individuals in order to contribute to building a Strategic Research Innovation Agenda to adopt Personalised Prevention approaches into EU health systems.
What are the expected outcomes?
- PROPHET will deliver specific measures to educate and empower different stakeholder groups – citizens, healthcare professionals, and policy makers – to play an active role in the self-management of health and self-care.
- The project will build a Personalised Prevention Roadmap for the future healthcare, that will be co-created together with a large panel of stakeholders gathered in the PROPHET Stakeholder Forum.
- The Personalised Prevention Roadmap aims to support the definition and implementation of innovative, sustainable and high-quality personalised strategies that are effective in preventing chronic diseases.
What is EPFs’ role?
- EPF’s participation in the project will centre around:
- mapping current practices and gaps in patient engagement in personalised prevention;
- capacity building activities for member organisations;
- and supporting the project’s impact and visibility with communications activities.
Why does this matter for patients?
- Prevention is in fact a high priority at the European level: 900,000 people in EU countries die prematurely every year due to risk factors that can largely be prevented through a shift from the treatment of established diseases to a “person-centered” disease prevention and early diagnosis, where citizens and patients are equals and active partners in their care pathway.
The consortium:
- The PROPHET project is a multidisciplinary group of 18 partner organizations from across 12 Countries working on the different dimensions of Personalized Prevention.
- Partners include representatives from research organisations, healthcare organisations, patient and citizen associations, public authorities, scientific societies, and companies involved in innovative topics.
- Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore (coordinator)
- Foundation For Genomics & Population Health
- Consorcio Centro De Investigacion Biomedica En Red M.P.
- Stichting Vumc
- University Of Debrecen, University Of Tartu
- Universiteit Gent
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Karolinska Institutet
- Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli Irccs
- Instituto De Salud Carlos Iii
- Instituto Nacional De Saude Dr. Ricardo Jorge
- Finnish Institute for Health And Welfare
- Cittadinanzattiva APS
- European Patients Forum
- European Public Health Association
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory-ELIXIR and Biobanks And Biomolecular ResourcesResearch Infrastructure Consortium BBMRI-ERIC
- Allelica SRL
- G.A.C.
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