Basic project information
- Full title: Integration of Heterogeneous Data and Evidence towards Regulatory and HTA Acceptance
- Duration: 60 months (April 2023 - March 2028)
- Status: Ongoing
- Funding programme: Horizon Europe – the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Grant agreement ID: 101112135)
What will the project do?
- IDERHA will address the key obstacles to achieving appropriate access, sharing, use and reuse of lung cancer data.
- IDERHA will enhance innovation in EU health care by providing a directly scalable system able to connect different data sources and healthcare technology.
- IDERHA will develop policy recommendations for appropriate data sharing to enable multi-stakeholder research.
What are the expected outcomes?
- To extend and elaborate standards in data quality, ethics and transferability to ensure the harmonisation of different data sources and wider health data reuse.
- To demonstrate the impact of enhanced data management on public health, patient burden, health outcomes and the related cost.
- Overall, to improve health care innovation in the EU.
What is EPFs’ role?
- EPF with the partnership of LuCE (Lung Cancer Europe) will coordinate the establishment of a Patient Advisory Board and Patient Engagement. This board will help steer the project and the members will be selected through a “call for interest” coordinated by EPF.
- EPF and LuCE will contribute to assess the legal, regulatory and ethical obstacles to wide scale health data reuse and provide recommendations to stakeholders and EHDS.
Why does this matter for patients?
The platform aims to apply a data driven approach to improve patients’ outcomes. Specifically, IDERHA will:
- Seek to enhance risk prediction of potential lung cancer patients, and explore the possibility of personal prognosis of disease progression. Using patient monitoring and engagement, IDERHA will strive to enable remote patient monitoring, and provide data for joint patient-health professional decision making.
- Address critical obstacles and issues to health data use. Regulatory and HTA agencies will be engaged to create criteria for assessing the acceptability of heterogeneous health research results in regulatory and HTA decision-making.
- Focusing on lung cancer, use complex digital health data to improve patient health outcomes by enabling more personalized care.
The consortium
The consortium is led by Fraunhofer Society and composed of 38 partners from 11 countries representing academia, healthcare industry, health authorities, clinicians, and patient representatives:
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
- Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH
- Lygature
- Universite du Luxemburg (Elixir LU)
- The European Insitute for Innovation through health
- Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT OY
- Information technology for Translational medicine
- Q1.6 BV
- Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft GmbH Institute for Digital Health and Prevention
- University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
- Forum des patients Europeens
- Servicio Galego de Saude
- Servicio Andaluz de Salud
- Fundacion para la investigacion del hospital universitario la fe de la comunidad valencia
- Klinikum Rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München
- Medizinische Universität Wien
- Danish Medicines Agency
- Philips Medical Systems Nederland BV
- Asklepios Kliniken Hamburg GmbH
- Labcorp Early Develpment Laboratories Limited
- RegionMIDT Jylland
- Roche
- MSB Medical School Berlin GmbH
- European Cancer patient coalition
- Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG
- Sanofi-Aventis Recherche & Developpement
- Janssen Vaccines & Prevention BV
- Janssen Pharmaceutica NV
- Johnson & Johnson Medical NV
Associated Partners
- Hygiaso AG
- European Respiratory Society
- Lung Cancer Europe
- National Insitute for Health and Care Excellence
Affiliated Entities
- Medical Device Business Services, Inc.
- Fundacion Publica Andaluza Investigacio