Project information
- Full title: PERsonalised MedicIne Trials (PERMIT)
- Duration: 24 months (1 January 2020 - 31 December 2021)
- Status: ongoing, coordinated by ECRIN
- Funding programme: Horizon 2020 - The European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
What will the project do?
- PERMIT aims to improve personalised medicines research by establishing recommendations. The project will be based on a series of workshops held with experts in order to establish recommendations on methodology which can be widely accepted. These recommendations will ensure the scientific excellence, validity, robustness and reproducibility of results generated by personalised medicine programmes.
What are the expected outcomes?
- To provide a literature mapping and gap analysis on methods in personalised medicine
- To provide recommendations on stratification cohort design, data collection, quality, traceability, and management
- To provide recommendations on the use of machine learning for stratification algorithms
- To provide recommendations on translational research for treatment selection
- To provide recommendations on the design of randomised trials in personalised medicine
What is EPFs role?
- EPF will provide comprehensive support throughout most work packages (WPs). EPF‘s role is to ensure the patient voice is present throughout most workshops, milestones and deliverables. Namely, EPF will:
- Help to develop a shared definition of personalised medicine research, and organise a literature and gap analysis workshop [WP2].
- Organise a workshop and develop guidelines on trial cohort design [WP3].
- Draft a report on trials assessing personalised vs. non personalised medicine [WP6].
- Contribute to the dissemination of key outcomes in lay language, and provide a lay summary version of deliverables and publications which matter to patients the most, making sure there’s easier access to non-specialist communities [WP7].
Impact on the patient community
- Personalised medicine research aims to identify interventions that can be targeted to individual patients based on their predicted response. While the concept of personalising treatment is not new, recent advances in medicine have shown new possibilities in predicting the way people respond to specific interventions. This has enormous value for patients, as it can reduce trial-and-error treatments, enable better choices for determining which medications would be most effective, and it can help us also manage rising healthcare costs. By participating in PERMIT, EPF can ensure the patient perspective and patient journey are considered throughout the workshops, and ultimately, the recommendations put forward by expert groups.
- The PERMIT consortium is composed of a wide range of personalised medicine stakeholders. The diverse composition is intended to ensure that relevant questions are addressed, and that recommendations are optimally adopted and implemented
- Profile of the consortium:
- Pan-European research infrastructures (ECRIN, EATRIS , ELIXIR-LU/UNILU)
- Patient representatives (EPF)
- Funders (DLR)
- Health technology assessment (HTA) organisations (ISCIII and KCE)
- Data protection (TMF) and regulatory experts (ISS)
- Scientific experts (Mario Negri Institute, Université Paris Descartes, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu)