Project Information
Duration & start date : 36 months (September 2012 - September 2015)
Status: Completed
What is the project about?
The project AdHopHTA - Adopting Hospital Based Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in EU – addresses the problem that several hospital based HTA initiatives have lately emerged in Europe but there is a poor use and awareness of it.
The reasons are numerous as follows:
- They have been never examined systematically, thus limiting the possibility to learn from all these heterogeneous experiences;
- They produce knowledge which is not easily accessed or transferred to other EU hospitals;
- They lack coordination between them
- They do not have efficient bridging strategies with national/regional HTA programs.
Hospital based HTA consists in the implementation of processes and methods of health technology assessment at hospital level. The contextualisation of HTA to a specific hospital brings into the assessment process the consideration of its unique characteristics, such as the choice of an available comparator and the specific organisational patterns of the hospital.
The work needs to be coordinated with the EUnetHTA Joint Action, bringing forward a more comprehensive HTA strategy across health system levels.
Project Objectives
The AdHopHTA project aims at strengthening the use and impact of excellent quality HTA results in hospital settings, making available pragmatic knowledge and tools to boost adoption of hospital based HTA initiatives.
As a secondary aim, the project will create an adequate network of the existing and upcoming hospital based HTA initiatives as well as liaison with national and regional HTA agencies.
These project aims are translated in the following 4 strategic objectives:
- To perform a critical analysis of current formally established hospital based HTA initiatives
- To provide a set of principles for best practice in hospital based HTA initiatives
- To advance a framework for setting a collaboration among current hospital based HTA initiatives and deployment to other interested EU hospitals
- To promote the collaboration and coordination of hospital HTA initiatives with HTA National/Regional organisations and pan-European HTA initiatives (eg. EUnetHTA)
Project Consortium
The Project Partners are:
- Hospital CLINIC de Barcelona / FCRB - project coordinator
- IESE Business School (IESE)
- Odense University Hospital (OUH)
- Hospices Cantonaux CHUV (CHUV)
- Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS)
- Tartu University Hospital (TUH)
- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC)
- Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Health Technology Assessment (LBI-HTA)
- Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital (ANH)
- The Norwegian Knowledge Center for the Health Services (NOKC)
EPF Role & Impact for the patient community
EPF is member of the Advisory Board. By participating in this project, EPF has the opportunity to:
- Ensure patients perspective is considered and strengthened during the project lifecycle
- Make policy recommendations to guarantee a patient-based approach in transferring lessons learnt and best practices to other hospitals
- To access accurate knowledge on how decision making for adopting innovation is specifically done at hospital level and use for its development in HTA research.
To get in touch about one of our ongoing or completed projects, or if you would like to reach out about a future collaboration, please send a message to: