Working Group on Universal Access to Healthcare

EPF has entered a new programming period. Within this new programming period, EPF has two topic specific internal Working Groups to guide and support two of its priority thematic areas: one on Universal Access to HealthCare and the other on Digital Health.
Universal Access to Healthcare: An EPF priority
One of EPF’s objectives for this new programming period is to achieve sustainable healthcare systems for all. Within this thematic area, EPF will be working towards developing a vision of what constitutes a high-quality, safe, equitable and sustainable healthcare system from the patient perspective.
Overall remit of the Working Group
The EPF Working Group on Universal Access to Healthcare was formed in the first quarter of 2018.
The working group informs, guides and supports EPF’s work on Universal Health Coverage and Access to healthcare from both a strategic and content perspective, in order to support EPF’s broader membership, Board and the Secretariat in this work. The working group will work towards the implementation of the EPF Roadmap to achieving universal health coverage for all by 2030, using it as a guide and reference.
The group will take a lead on specific activities as defined by its members in an annual work plan.
The working group is open to all EPF members and complements the wider EPF membership consultation process. The working group meets at least twice a year.
The Working Group is currently made up of 17 members:
- Spanish Patients’ Forum, Cristina Montané
- Plataforma de Organizaciones de Pacientes, Pedro Carrascal Rueda
- International Alliance of Dermatology Patient Organizations (GlobalSkin), Yalchin Mammadov
- Malta Health Network, George Sultanta
- BAG Selbsthilfe (German Alliance of 120 national Patients' Organisations), Birgit Dembski
- AMICI Italia, Cristiano Consorte
- EAMDA, Jana Popova
- Hungarian Alliance of Patient Organizations, Tunde Koltai
- International Diabetes Federation – Europe, Martina Boccardo
- Latvian Network of Patient organizations, Baiba Ziemele
- EMSP, Emma Rogan
- Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health (SOSTE), Hannele Kirveskoski
- Fertility Europe , Anita Fincham
- European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC), Olivia Romero-Lux and Roberta Sadauskaité
- National Association of Patient Organizations (NAPO), Robert Hejzák
- Sjögren Europe, Katy Antonopoulou
- World Federation of Incontinence and Pelvic problems, Mary Lynne van Poelgeest-Pomfret
Julie Spony, EPF Policy Officer, chairs the working group. For further information, please contact Julie.
Related Information
Read the Terms of Reference