Charter on Patient Empowerment

The Charter on Patient Empowerment encapsulates the "cardinal rules" of patient empowerment. The document outlines what really matters to patients.
The Charter was co-developed with EPF members and defines the fundamental principles of patient empowerment from the patients' perspective. The document should be “owned” by patient communities across the EU, and supported by other stakeholders to ensure concrete commitment from the different actors.
The Charter can be used as an advocacy and political tool to promote actions on the ground and at policy level.
The Charter is designed as a poster that can be displayed anywhere, and used to promote action and culture change “on the ground” in the healthcare environment, or at policy level. Soon available in several languages, patient organisations will be able use it as an important advocacy tool for their activities.
The charter was officially presented at the EPF Annual General Meeting in March will now be disseminated throughout our membership.
If you want to show your support to the Charter, please download it, print it and distribute it via your network!
Contact: Kaisa Immonen, Director of Policy:
Related Information
Preamble to the Charter - English
EPF will translate the Charter into all EU languages to ensure maximum outreach at national and regional level so that allies throughout the EU can see how they can contribute to the campaign. We encourage you to use the Charter and share it with your network to help make this campaign a success.
If the Charter is not yet available in your language, please check again soon.
Charter on Patient Empowerment - Dutch (NL)
Charter on Patient Empowerment - English (EN)
Charter on Patient Empowerment - French (FR)
Charter on Patient Empowerment - Greek (EL)
Charter on Patient Empowerment - Italian (IT)
Charter on Patient Empowerment - Lithuanian (LT)
Charter on Patient Empowerment - Romanian (RO)