Campaign for the 2019 EU Elections

EPF campaigned to put what matters to patients at the heart of EU health policy, and make health an issue that gets citizens to cast their votes and make a difference in the European elections to be held this year in May.
In this important pre-election period potentially leading to positive change for patients and in health policy in the European Union post-2020, EPF has identified five key ways in which the European elections can lead to positive change in patient communities. All are based on the five priorities detailed in our elections manifesto, which we also used to develop five powerful video testimonials of patients and help ensure their voice is heard.
The EU elections are approaching fast: let’s get involved, make an impact and ensure the patients’ voice is heard by policy-makers. If you belong to the 70% of Europeans who want the EU to do more for health (Eurobarometer survey, March 2017), join us now in spreading our manifesto, using the #europeforpatients hashtag, sharing and posting your support messages on social media as well as on our website Thank you!
If you have any updates related to the elections, statements of support, contacts with future MEP candidates, and other health-related priorities you wish to bring to our attention feel free to get in touch with us! Several patients with chronic conditions already took the time to share their stories with us. If you are a patient and have a story to tell, they are always welcome.