Guides and tools developed by patient organisations (for employers and patients)

- The European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP) has developed a practical toolkit for employers which serves as a tool for people with MS or other neurological/long-term conditions to open the dialogue about making adaptations in the workplace as well as a practical guide for businesses to enhance or build their policies in terms of recruitment, attendance management and return-to-work procedures.
- Mental Health Europe (MHE) has developed: an infographic on positive mental health in the workplace, which looks at how to foster mentally healthy workplaces; a video with a specific focus on reasonable accommodations; and a toolkit on article 27 of the UN CRPD, which looks at the right to work for people with psychosocial disabilities.
- The European Men’s Health Forum (EMHF) guide for men about working with cancer. A video is also available.
- The Fit for Work global alliance has developed an Early Intervention toolkit and publicationwhich explores the benefits of Early Interventions which help people with chronic illness remain in work.
- FitForWork UK has developed an online platform with advice for employers, containing information about health at work including workplace adjustments, as well as a helpling.
- The International Labour Organization (ILO) has developed a practical guide on promoting diversity and inclusion through workplace adjustments, which includes tips for how to address mental health in the workplace and disclosure of mental health problems.
- The European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP) has developed a guide to good practice on promoting healthy work for workers with chronic illness, primarily aimed at employers and managers who are faced with the challenges and opportunities of managing workers with chronic illness and supporting them to stay at work; or to assist in the process of returning to work after a period of absence. ENWHP has also developed a campaign on promoting healthy work for employees with chronic illness and collection of models of good practice
- TheUK Trade Union Confederation has developed a guide for workplace representatives on thehealth and safety of older workers.
Other sections on this topic:
Working with a chronic condition
Legislation summary - How is discrimination addressed in EU legislation?
Patient organisations’ initiatives