EPF launches toolkit to help patient organisations raise awareness on Antimicrobial Resistance

Today is European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD), an initiative coordinated by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to promote the safe use of antimicrobials. To mark this initiative and the start of WHO’s World AMR Awareness Week (18-24 November), the European Patients’ Forum (EPF) is launching the #UnderstandingAMR campaign.
AMR presents a significant global health threat across diverse sectors, including human, animal, plant, food, and the environment. Patients are particularly vulnerable to AMR as they spend more time in healthcare settings, their immune system is weakened, and routine procedures often require the use of antimicrobials.
Patient organisations are crucial in the fight against AMR. This new campaign aims to help patient groups communicate about AMR and the safe use of antibiotics. If you are interested in joining the campaign, find our communications toolkit here.
In our latest podcast episode “European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2024”, Liselotte Diaz Hogberg from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) joined us to delve into the topic of AMR and the activities planned for this year’s EAAD. Listen to the episode here.
Today, ECDC is hosting a digital event titled “Antimicrobial resistance is invisible, I am not”. The event will raise awareness of the impact of AMR on people’s lives, keeping patients at the centre of the discussion. ECDC will also present its latest data on AMR and antimicrobial consumption, as well as provide an update on EU's progress in meeting the 2030 AMR targets set by the Council Recommendation on stepping up EU actions to combat antimicrobial resistance in a One Health approach, adopted in June 2023. EPF’s Executive Director, Anca Toma, will join the event to discuss how AMR affects patients' lives and how it is essential to empower patients to take action. Read more about the event.
On 20 November, Anca Toma will also join a panel at POLITICO Live’s annual Health Care Summit to address “Antimicrobial resistance (AMR): A growing threat and the EU’s response”, where she will discuss the importance of involving patients in measures to combat AMR.
Visit our information hub for more resources on AMR.