Ensuring Consistent and Coherent Application of EU Rules on Medicines’ Advertising

The European Patients' Forum (EPF) raises its concern about the fragmented interpretation of the current rules on the advertising of medicines. Reports from multiple EPF member organisations point to this inconsistency leading to unequal access to information for patients across Europe and restricting the activities of patient organisations.
As the European Union revises its regulatory framework for medicines, EPF urges the EU institutions to consider the following aspects:
- Establish a definition of "patients’ organisation," shaped by patients, to formally recognise their central role.
- Clarify that patients’ organisations can disseminate factual and balanced information on authorised medicines to patients, in compliance with the applicable legislation.
- Harmonise the rules for patient experts’ and healthcare professionals’ attendance of industry-sponsored conferences and medical congresses in full compliance with transparency and disclosure requirements.
Read our full statement here.