CALL FOR INTEREST – LABEL2ENABLE Searching For User Advisory Group Members

The European Patients' Forum (EPF) is pleased to announce the call for representatives for a User Advisory Group (UAG) for the Label2Enable Project. The call is open from 15 September to 15 October 2022.
The European Patients' Forum (EPF) is pleased to announce the call for representatives for a User Advisory Group (UAG) for the Label2Enable Project. Label2Enable is a 24-month EU project which aims to develop and implement an EU quality label and assessment framework for health and wellness apps.
The UAG will ensure that the needs, experiences, and feedback of patients, citizens, and carers are integrated into all aspects of the design of the label, and into its implementation and promotion.
We are looking to have a group of maximum 20 individuals.
The mission of the Label2Enable UAG is to
- make sure that the label is useful and impactful
- test the label
- support the project partners to co-create communications on the label, and provide insights into dissemination and awareness raising efforts
- The members of the group will attend several meetings:
- The induction meeting (online) (October 2022)
- Other consortium meetings both online and face-to-face (throughout the project);
REQUIREMENTS - We are searching for Patient, Citizen/Consumer and Carer representatives from a diverse range of age groups, genders, and geographical origins. For Patients and Carers, we will also focus on the variety of disease areas. Applicants must:
General (for all applicants):
- Be 18 years of age and older
- Representatives don’t need to be proficient in the topic but need to indicate a strong interest in Digital Health
APPLICATION FORM AND DOCUMENTS - Please complete the application form online. The application form consists of questions about your personal details (name, country of residence, experience), short questions about your motivation for applying, a declaration of interest, and information on how EPF will process your personal information.
Please do not forget to attach your CV to the application form.
Participants will receive compensations during the time of commitment.
TIMELINE AND SELECTION PROCESS - The call is open from 15 September to 15 October 2022. Applications will be evaluated by two EPF staff. Applicants can expect a reply within one week after the closing date of the call.
- 15 September – launch of the call
- 15 October– close of the call
- Early November – induction call with the selected UAG members
CONTACT DETAILS - If you have any questions about the User Advisory Group or the application, please contact:
Please submit your application form online with attached supporting documents by 15 October (17:00 CET).
Related Information
To learn more about Label2Enable, the role of the European Patients' Forum, and the value for patients, please head to our project site >> via this link