Call for Patient Representatives for the COMPAR-EU project

EPF is planning to expand and diversify the group of patients and patient representatives involved in the COMPAR-EU patient panel. Do you live with Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, COPD or Heart Failure, or have experience in these diseases and are interested in joining an online group? We invite you to express your interest today!
As part of its work in the COMPAR-EU project, the European Patients’ Forum has set-up a patient panel. The patient panel is an informal working group composed of EPF members, individual patients and also patient advocates from across Europe. The group is involved in project activities through various channels and meets (online) for monthly webinars. The patient panel supports in the production of materials in lay language and development of other project outputs. In 2021, it will focus on the functionality of the COMPAR-EU IT platform and materials on cost effectiveness. All these activities will bring even more of a patient focus to COMPAR-EU, and showcase the direct benefits of patient involvement. The group is on voluntary basis, however, a compensation is foreseen.
Are you interested, or know someone that may be interested in joining the patient panel?
You can reach out to EPF Senior Programme Officer, Lyudmil Ninov:
COMPAR-EU aims to identify, compare, and rank the most effective and cost-effective self-management interventions for adults living with four high-priority chronic diseases today. Head to to learn more about EPF’s role in the project, and the value for patients.