Call for interest – PharmaLedger Project searching for Advisory Board Coordinators

June 2021
EPF is pleased to announce a call for coordinators for an Advisory Board (AB) for the PharmaLedger project.
The Advisory Board coordinators will inform PharmaLedger activities from a user perspective and identify mechanisms for meaningful patient and public involvement and input throughout the project.
ABOUT THE ADVISORY BOARD COORDINATORS - We are looking for two Patients/Patient Representatives to coordinate an advisory board of 5 to 7 members that will include other patient representatives from different regions and disease areas. The Advisory Board will play a major role in the PharmaLedger collaboration platform and the co-creation of two main applications, e-consent and e-leaflet that are represented as use cases in the project.
The collaboration platform aims at providing inclusive, participative organisation of stakeholders in the health data marketplace and clinical trials. The platform will include patients, principal investigators, patients’ organisations, hospitals and more.
The platform will:
- Facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among patients.
- Link to the health data marketplace, providing an environment to engage end-users, patients, and citizens.
- Support networking activities.
- And support knowledge representation like images, videos, and regulation updates to ultimately support the knowledge, dissemination, training, and adoption of PharmaLedger blockchain services.
On the platform, the Advisory Board Coordinators will provide four main steps (activities) to support engagement with the help of the Advisory Board members:
- gather information
- add participants
- motivate participants
- gather contributions
For the e-consent and e-leaflet contributions, the coordinators will ensure the meaningful engagement of the User Advisory Board members by:
- coordinating the workshops organised by the partners
- coordinating the creation of scenarios, personas with the partners
- organising the review of wireframes of the applications
- organising the user-testing settings and outputs
EXPECTED ENGAGEMENT TIME – 16 months (project ends 31/12/2022)
REQUIREMENTS - We are searching for Patients/ Patient representatives. Applicants must:
- Be 18 years of age and older.
- Have experience in coordinating between patients and other stakeholder groups.
- Have experience or general knowledge about digital health tools.
- Be familiar with using basic web content management systems.
- Have experience in communicating and engaging with patient communities through websites, digital tools, or social media channels.
APPLICATION FORM AND DOCUMENTS - Please complete the application form online. The application form consists of questions about your personal details (name, country of residence, experience), short questions about your motivation for applying, a declaration of interest, and information on how EPF will process your personal information.
Please do not forget to attach your CV to the application form.
Participants will receive compensations during the time of their commitment. Their commitments will not exceed 5 hours per month.
TIMELINE AND SELECTION PROCESS - The call is open from 29 June 2021 to 11 July 2021 – totalling 12 days to submit applications. Applications will be evaluated by two EPF staff. Applicants can expect a reply within two weeks after the closing date of the call.
- Briefing calls with the selected advisory board coordinators will take place during August.
CONTACT DETAILS - If you have any questions about the Advisory Group or the application, please contact:
Please submit your application form online with attached supporting documents by 11 July 2021 (COB CEST).
BACKGROUND - Sponsored by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) under the Horizon 2020 programme, PharmaLedger is a 36 month project that brings together 12 global pharmaceutical companies and 17 public and private entities; including technical, legal, regulatory, academia, research organisations and patient representative organisations.
PharmaLedger will use block-chain technology to create a platform for the healthcare sector that integrates the supply chain of medicines, clinical trials, and health data as case studies.
The project aims to drive the early-adoption of blockchain-based technology by working together with partners to build a complete solution for improving the quality of healthcare, and explore how blockchain technology can help us tackle real-world health challenges.
Learn more about EPF’s role and why this matter for patients