2021 Year in Review - Projects

What. A. Year. In 2021, the projects team launched a new strategic approach which focused on the cross-cutting nature of projects across advocacy, education and communications. This has been our guide to bring patient engagement to the heart of our work, especially alongside the most prominent theme of digital health and health data.
We launched major initiatives like the first EHDEN Academy course to support patients and lay users to understand technical health data topics; or the recent publication of the first Data Saves Lives toolkit to equip patient groups with the information and materials to take up health data conversations and initiatives within their communities.
Our work, together with the policy team, on a White Paper on Boosting Active Cooperation Between Patients and Healthcare Professionals for the DigitalHealthEurope project, which ended this year, implemented our advocacy insights into actionable recommendations for policy makers. Of course, who could forget our white board videos.
Patient involvement in our blockchain project took centre stage this year with a series of webinars and workshops focusing on the user journey with electronic product information (ePI). The topic was also featured in a session of the Patient Engagement Open Forum 2021.
And last, but most definitely not least – this year we welcomed new members to our team: Hannes Jarke, and Ingrid Weindorfer. We are so glad to have them.
We invite you to visit our dedicated page to learn more about the projects we participate in and their value for the patient community, as well as our strategic approach for future project involvement.