COVID-19 has shown EU action on health is more urgently needed than ever

9 ways the European Institutions and Member States should respond to the COVID-19 pandemic
The Coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated and exposed the vulnerability of our healthcare systems, our societies and our health.
Severe care disruptions, medicines shortages, health system inadequacy, insufficient and unequal access to healthcare are but a few examples of the challenges affecting millions of people living in Europe.
To effectively deal with the COVID-19 aftermath, ensure access to care, reduce the damage of future pandemics and tackle shared challenges, a common health policy which would place shared interest above national demands is essential. The EU however is currently lacking resources and a strong mandate for action necessary to coordinate a single response.
Shaping the future of health in the EU together has therefore never been more urgent. To this end, members of the EU4Health coalition, which EPF is co-leading together with EPHA, have pooled their strengths together in a joint EU4Health statement, calling to act now for a stronger and more ambitious European health policy.
Read our full statement here:
If you wish to endorse our statement please sign the petition here or get in touch with EU4Health.