Making the Invisible Visible – World IBD Day 2019

On 19 May the European Federation of Crohn´s and Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA) together with its 36 national patient associations and other IBD sister organisations are joining efforts to raise awareness of the 10 million people living with IBD worldwide.
“Making the invisible visible” is about shining a light on various aspects of the two invisible conditions of Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis (known as Inflammatory Bowel Diseases or IBD). As part of the campaign EFCCA will be asking local and regional authorities to light up famous landmarks in purple (the colour for World IBD Day) as a stepping stone to gain higher media visibility and to gather momentum around specific activities that patient associations are organizing to improve life of people with IBD in their countries.
EFCCA’s second activity within the framework of World IBD Day is to promote the survey on Indirect Costs of IBD, which aims to assess the impact of IBD on the patients´ productivity at work and other relevant costs for society. The findings will be presented at a European policy meeting in the second half of this year.
To find out what´s happening in each country follow us on:
#worldibdday2019 #makingtheinvisiblevisible and/or contact Bella Haaf.