Young patients talking to the EU

2018 was an exciting and challenging year for the EPF Youth Group. The Group improved its capacity and joined forces with young patients across the EU. But most of all, in the light of the upcoming EU elections next year, the Youth Group is focusing all its strengths to bring young patients’ needs on the agenda of the EU.
2018 was filled with hope for young patient’s future. The Youth Group attended multi-stakeholder conferences and various working groups to talk about discrimination, patient engagement, cross-boarded healthcare and digital health. Furthermore, the Group expanded its membership, supported the second edition of the summer training for young patient representatives and improved its communication strategy. See our latest video here.
In 2019 the Group will continue its work on young patients’ employment as key topic for the young patients’ community by realizing the WAYS (Work and Youth Strategy) project. It is aiming to illuminate the employment struggles of patients. If you are a young patient and want to contribute to the topic, please contact Borislava Ananieva and/or complete the following survey.