Survey on EHR – five new languages available

As previously announced, EPF has launched a survey to gain knowledge on patients’ and patient organisations’ perspectives and experiences on electronic health records (EHR). After a first version in English, new versions in Bulgarian, German, French, Spanish and Swedish have now been published to help further dissemination.
As previously announced, EPF has launched a survey to gain knowledge on patients’ and patient organisations’ perspectives and experiences on electronic health records (EHR). After a first version in English, new versions in Bulgarian, German, French, Spanish and Swedish have now been published to help further dissemination.
This survey aims to inform and further develop our advocacy work in this area. Following the publication of the Commission’s communication on enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market, this is an area that has become more topical than ever, at European level; countries are working together in a pilot to establish a common European framework and ways of exchanging EHRs. Many other initiatives have also started taking place, and in order to be able to represent the patients’ wants and concerns, we need your input to this survey.
Since its launch on 7 November, more than 130 patients, family members/carers, and patient representatives/organisations have responded to our survey published. This is, of course, a great start, but we hope to be able to have an even better understanding of the issue – so please do reply to the survey, and share it with your friends, family and colleagues. And with the new languages versions available, we hope to see even more answers coming in. You can access the survey in several language versions here.
If you are interested in digital health, please be aware that EPF will be launching another survey very soon. Together with some partners, we will establish an online platform that will provide information on different aspects of digital health in a lay-friendly language. We want to know what your needs and wants are from such a platform. We will be in touch soon.
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