Spread the word: 3rd edition of EPF Summer Training for Young Patient Advocates

EPF is happy to share with you an exciting opportunity for the 3rd edition of the Summer Training for Young Patients Advocates. Next year’s theme is ‘Shaping the Future of Patient Advocacy’.
Over the course of four days, young people will be expanding their skills and maximize their leadership potential. The dedicated sessions will focus on topics such as representativeness, transparency, ethics and the importance of building trust. Patient advocacy may take different pathways, through individual patient advocates, emerging online patient communities and more formalised entities such as patient organisations. The Summer Training Course will look at how uniquely they can contribute to patient advocacy and do complement each other.
The training will take place on 7-10 July 2019, in Vienna Austria. Deadline for applications is 1st March 2019.
For more information about the application process and deadlines click here, or follow this link to the online application here. We look forward to receiving your applications!
Looking back at 2018, the 2nd edition of the EPF Summer Training for Young Patient Advocates was built on the theme of last year on overcoming discrimination and expanded on the concept of inclusion. In total, 39 participants from 23 European countries joined us in Vienna for three days of intensive but inspiring and fun training sessions. The aims of this 2018 edition were ambitious: developing personal leadership skills and learning how to campaign effectively to achieve advocacy goals. Participants were very motivated with strong post-event follow-up engagement.
For more information, please contact Lyudmil Ninov.