Shaping the future EU policy framework for health

This year has been crucial for influencing the future EU funding programmes – we had called it the year of the EU budget – even if major decisions are still pending finalisation in 2019.
The new programme for health is now included in a wider framework titled “European Social Fund Plus” (ESF+), which we broadly welcomed but worked with the European Parliament to improve the original proposal. The same goes for the new research framework programme, Horizon Europe. It was not an easy battle, but the final result is that both texts are now much more patient-friendly!
Both those programmes are part of the general EU budget – the multi-annual financial framework or MFF. Together with EPHA and other health organisations we have advocated for the importance of increased funding in the area of health. All this was part of the #EU4Health campaign that had already started in 2017, which EPF co-leads with EPHA. We were the first to call for a Commission Vice-President for health, a request that many others have taken up since.
Read our recent update on what are the remaining steps for next year. We will continue to be active in the EU4HEALTH campaign as well as our own patient-led campaign for the 2019 elections.