Patient Organisations Have Co-signed a Joint Statement on HTA

In the context of the legislative process towards the adoption of an EU Regulation on Health Technology Assessment, 14 European patient organisations have co-signed a Joint Statement to draw the attention of Member States’ representatives to the need of adequately involving patients in joint consultations on HTA.
EPF and EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe have vocally advocated for such an inclusion stressing that meaningful patient involvement is crucial to ensure high quality and reliable results of joint HTA work. We have recently issued a Statement joining forces with other patient groups:
- AE - Alzheimber Europe
- EATG - European AIDS Treatment Group
- ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition
- EFA - European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations
- EFNA - European Federation of Neurological Associations
- EHN - European Heart Network
- EMSP - European Multiple Sclerosis Platform
- EPF - European Patient Forum
- Europa Uomo - European Prostate Cancer Coalition
- IDF - International Diabetes Federation European Region
- IPOPI - International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiences
- MPE - Myeloma Patients Europe
- EGAN - Patients’ Network for Medical Research and Health
- EURORDIS - Rare Diseases Europe
The success of this legislation and the quality of HTA at any level cannot be separated from the adequate involvement of patients, in line with other EU legislation on healthcare. Since the 90s, Member States have always played a pioneering role in patient involvement when cooperating at the EU level.