PARADIGM Survey: tell us what YOU expect from patient engagement

PARADIGM, the Innovative Medicine Initiative-funded project on patient engagement co-led by EPF, aims to create a sustainable framework that will enable systematic, ethical and meaningful patient engagement in medicines Research & Development (R&D).
The first step to get there is to better understand the patient engagement expectations of different stakeholder groups involved in the medicines lifecycle, and it is in this context that the PARADIGM consortium has launched a survey.
The survey aims to find out what YOU expect from patient engagement. Your opinion is very valuable as it will contribute to the advancement of patient engagement in medicines R&D.
We invite you to take this 10-minute survey, because we need you voice! We welcome responses from all stakeholder groups with experience in patient engagement.
Take the survey and don't forget to share the link with your network!
More information
If you want to know more about PARADIGM, we invite you to visit its website.
For more information, please contact Mathieu Boudes, PARADIGM Coordinator.