EPF promotes better inclusion of people with chronic conditions in the workplace

Employment is fundamental to staying connected to the community, maintaining skills and continuing to develop professionally. While some people with chronic conditions cannot continue their professional activity due to their health condition, many continue working or wish to do so. In 2018, EPF intensified its advocacy for the development and implementation of policies and initiatives that eliminate discrimination, reduce stigma and promote the inclusion of patients with chronic diseases in healthcare, employment and society at large.
EPF started the year by publishing three materials developed by a task force primarily made up of EPF members: i) q collection of patient organisation initiatives to promote patient-led actions on this topic and take-up of existing materials; ii) recommendations to policy makers on how they can promote better inclusion of people with chronic conditions in the workplace in the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights; and iii) a digital leaflet for employers on how to foster inclusive work places. On a policy front, we actively contributed to the development of the unanimously adopted European Parliament Report and motion for a Resolution on Pathways for the Reintegration of Workers Recovering from Injury and Illness into Quality Employment, of which the majority of our proposals were adopted. EPF also supported the launch of a new MEP focus group on employment and health.
As a partner of the Joint Action on Chronic Diseases, EPF has been particularly active in the work package on employment, which aims to develop a toolkit and training tool for employers. EPF will next year focus on promoting its recommendation on equal treatment in the workplace to employers and policy-makers by organising a multi-stakeholder meeting on the integration of patients in the work place. We will also combat discrimination in the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
For further information please click here or contact Katie Gallagher, katie.gallagher@eu-patient.eu.