EPF active on medicines and medical devices

This year EPF has again been active in bringing a patient perspective into debates on medicines and medical devices at European level.
A dialogue between members of EPF and Medicines for Europe took place in October to discuss the EPF Roadmap on universal health coverage and the role of generics and biosimilars. Another event co-organised with public health NGOs also discussed universal access. In September we again participated in the 4th stakeholder conference on biosimilar medicines, organised by the European Commission (DG GROW), as well as in a meeting at the European Parliament. We worked on various initiatives around access to medicines, including participation in various conference to express the patient view, and organised an initial educative roundtable for our members to enable better understanding of the role of incentives.
In the ongoing implementation of the EU Medical Devices Regulation we contributed to a working group looking at the development of transparent, lay-friendly summaries of the safety and clinical performance of a device (SSCP), an activity led by Member States. Our annual Patient-Medtech Dialogue workshops this year focused on HTA on medical devices, and on community care. In December we published a statement calling for quick and effective implementation of the new and improved EU rules for patient safety and transparency.
At the European Medicines Agency we continued as member of the PCWP and with EPF President, Marco Greco, contributing as member of the pharmacovigilance committee, PRAC. Our activities included looking at shaping future electronic product information and drafting a reflection paper on how to improve patient input in medicines evaluation. We also became a member of a new international working group of CIOMS on patient involvement in the safe use of medicines, and participated in activities around the European Antibiotic Awareness Day.
For more information, please contact the policy team at: policy@eu-patient.eu