Sign Our Petition and Add YOUR Voice to Our Call for Universal Access to Healthcare!

We at EPF are determined to drive action and improvement in access to healthcare. In order to show European and national policy-makers that we all care about Universal Health Coverage, we want to gather as many signatures as possible for our petition calling decision-makers to commit for Universal Access to Healthcare!
We at the European Patients’ Forum and our members believe that every patient in Europe should have access to affordable, appropriate, accessible, available and adequate health care and social services. This is still not the case today, and patients across the EU keep reporting multiple barriers in accessing healthcare. This situation is unacceptable and should be overturned, and the moment for change and action is now.
With the support of our members, we launched a campaign in early 2017 to raise awareness about the barriers patients face in accessing healthcare, and to build on current political momentum – including the UN Sustainable Development Goals for health – to foster more EU cooperation on access to healthcare.
Showing your support to Universal Access to Healthcare has never been so easy: if you agree with our call, simply sign our online petition!
The more signatures we gather, the louder our claim will be, so do not forget to spread the word and share the link with your network and friends.
We can make universal health coverage for all a reality by 2030 if we work together!