Overview of the Capacity Building Programme (CBP) in 2016/2017

Year after year, the Capacity building approach proves to be an important element underpining our commitment to empower patients and patient organisations. Now is a good time to reflect on past achievements and look towards the next milestones.
Like in previous years, the CBP will continue to put efforts into strengthening organisational development and advocacy skills for patient groups with a focus on central and eastern Europe combined with thematic training programmes on their needs and interests.
The large part of our CBP will continue to be dedicated to EPF’s full-member national patient coalitions, and their own members’ organisations in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, together with the launch of the programme in Poland.
This year’s programme particularly focuses on the Mid-Term review of Strategic Plans developed in 2012 and 2013 during the first phase of the programme and Strategic Communication. The programme targets around 100 patient representatives to improve their planning, organization, fundraising, presentation, communication, negotiation, and/or advocacy skills. It is also expected that around 50 participating organizations demonstrate improved organizational capacities in terms of reviewed strategic, communication and fundraising plans. In each country, this part of the programme is delivered with the help of EPF’s long-term partners, local trainers and civil society experts who are in charge of delivering training modules by means of face to face training and individual coaching.
Another important part of the CBP consists of providing trainings and one-off thematic workshops at the Pan-European level. In this way, the capacity building approach is being embedded in ongoing EPF’s policy work, programmes and projects to ensure a good quality and sustainability.
This month, we provided training on Transparency and Ethics, as you can read further below. In October 2016, we will organise one-day Patients Safety workshop with the objective to get a good overview and understanding of EU policy, gaps and opportunities for all interested members. In January 2017, we will offer a training about Health Technology Assessment and the most recent development in this area.
In 2016/2017, the CBP aims to put special emphasis on organizing a summer event for building capacities of prominent young patients or their representatives to become future leader advocates in their organizations and countries.
Last but not least, in our long-term efforts to drive better health in Europe, we will conduct situational analysis for Western Balkans region with a view to exploring opportunities for future capacity building work in that region.
The CBP is led by Director of Programmes and Operations Walter Atzori and newly recruited Project and Capacity Building Officer Selena Imerovic Hodzic.
Contact person:
Selena Imerovic Hodzic, Project and Capacity Building Officer