High-level policy roundtable: “Making Empowerment a Reality: Patients as Partners”

The Patient Empowerment Campaign is entering its final weeks! After a year of advocating for patient empowerment EPF is organising a high-level policy roundtable on the 22nd of June to present the campaign’s results and to discuss further steps at policy level. We shall also organise an exhibition in the European Parliament to celebrate the campaign and what it stands for.
The roundtable will take place on Wednesday 22 June 2016 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Hosted by MEPs Karin Kadenbach (S&D, Austria), Andrey Kovatchev (EPP, Bulgaria), and Roberta Metsola (EPP, Malta), the event will present the main achievements of the campaign and offer a platform for exchange of good practices and patients testimonials.
A debate will follow where MEPs, officials from the European Commission and patient organisations will discuss the next actions to promote and implement patient empowerment at European and national level.
The event will also be the opportunity to officially present two milestones of the campaign: the Charter on Patient Empowerment and the Roadmap for Actions. The Charter defines the fundamental principles of patient empowerment from the patients' perspective, and the Roadmap turns these principles into 8 priority action areas that need to be taken at different levels in order to apply the principles in policy and practice.
MEPs, representatives of patient organisations, health attachés and other stakeholders’ representatives are all invited to attend the event. Due to limited seating capacity, a first comes first served basis will be the rule, so do register as soon as possible!
Finally, a line to mention that EPF will properly celebrate the official end of the campaign at the European Health Parliament plenary session on the 29th of June in the European Parliament! We will have a stand with new goodies, exhibition materials and a sharing box, so come and let’s have a look!
The PROGRAMME of the roundtable is available here, RSVP to REGISTER.
Contact persons:
Sara Gayarre, Communications Intern, sara.gayarre@eu-patient.eu
Laurent Louette, Communications Officer, laurent.louette@eu-patient.eu