Getting the Message to MEPs: Charter on Patient Empowerment

On the 14th and 15th of March an EPF delegation met with several MEPs in Brussels to present the Charter on Patient Empowerment and the recent development in the Campaign.
The Charter on Patient Empowerment is a crucial pillar of the EPF Patient Empowerment Campaign. Setting out the 10 fundamental principles of Patient Empowerment, this important piece of work has been drafted in close collaboration with EPF members and policy team. In order to raise awareness at the EU level, an EPF delegation took to the road and went to visit MEPs in the European Parliament in Brussels.
In total the EPF representation, composed of Aneela Ahmed, Chair of the EPF Youth Group Kaisa Immonen-Charalambous, Director of Policy; Laurène Souchet, Policy Adviser; and Laurent Louette, Communications Officer met with 11 MEPs and assistants. These short meetings gave the opportunity to MEPs to get acquainted with the provisions and aims of the Charter and updated on the latest developments of the campaign. With MEPs coming from different horizons and countries, the cross-party support we received is encouraging and constitutes a solid basis for further political engagement for patient empowerment measures.
These individual appointments were the kick-start of many activities related to the campaign within the European Parliament. As you know, the campaign is now entering its final phase, with three months to go before the closing event in June, needless to say there will be more to come!
The magnitude of support and involvement from members, friends and patients associations throughout Europe has been outstanding, which is enormously satisfying for all the partners of the campaign. With few months left, we are still counting on you to make patient empowerment a reality! See here how you can get involved, it does not need to be big or time consuming, every little act of support matters and is very welcome!
Contact: Laurent Louette, Communications Officer,