February 2016 – EPF a Solid Partner in European Projects

EPF reinforced its position as central patients’ voice representative by taking active role in several different EU-funded projects in 2016. Advancing the involvement of patients in topics that matter to us.
This year, EPF participated in 5 major projects. Let’s have a look in detail:
- JA CHRODIS: The “EU Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and promoting healthy ageing across the life-cycle” or JA-CHRODIS aims at promoting and facilitating a process of exchange and transfer of good practices between European countries and regions, addressing chronic conditions, with a specific focus on health promotion and prevention of chronic conditions, multi-morbidity and diabetes. In 2016, EPF led the production of two policy factsheets on Diabetes and Multi-Morbidity, and took an active part in the JA’s public events and strategic meetings.
- PRO-Step: EPF leads this pilot project focusing on self-management in chronic conditions, PRO-Step aims at putting in place a framework for action to enhance self-care at EU level and develop strategies to support the broader implementation of effective self-care.
- AdaptSmart: “Accelerated Development of Appropriate Patient Therapies: a Sustainable, Multi-stakeholder Approach from Research to Treatment-outcomes”, AdaptSmart’s objective is to establish a platform for the coordination of adaptive pathways (MAPPs) related activities and engage in dialogue with all relevant stakeholders. The role of EPF is to ensure proper and meaningful patient involvement throughout the project.
- EuNetHta JA3: This Joint Action focuses on early dialogues, governance, re-use and national uptake of assessments. Special attention will be dedicated to Health Technology Assessment (HTA) processes for medical devices. Overall the aim of this Joint Action is to establish a permanent scheme with agreed methodologies for collaboration on HTA in the EU. Together with other civil society organisations, EPF will ensure an effective input to the implementation of tasks.
- SmartCare: the aim of this project is to promote a more integrated and effective approach to providing health and social care to older people across Europe, using technology. Concluded in July 2016, SmartCare offered the opportunity to EPF to take part in a multi-stakeholders’ platform to advance on the interests of older patients.
For more information about EPF’s participation in EU projects, please contact Valentina Strammiello, EPF Programme Officer.