EUPATI: Second Face-to-Face Training Barcelona

More than 50 patient advocates gathered in Barcelona, Spain, for a five days of chalk talk and coaching on the different phases of a medicine’s life cycle, in the framework of the European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) project.
From the 19th to the 23rd of September, EUPATI trainees took part in an intense training with a content focus on Health Technology Assessment, pharmacovigilance, case studies, and benefit-risk evaluation throughout the life cycle of a medicine.
EUPATI Director Jan Geissler opened the training with a presentation on understanding IMI as a Public Private Partnership and on the importance of EUPATI in achieving patient-centricity at IMI. The EUPATI trainees are experienced patient advocates coming from 31 different countries and together they make up a diverse pan-EU, pan-disease network. The trainers and session facilitators represented an extensive group of stakeholders, including regulators, payers, health policy experts and academics.
The trainers were representatives from NICE, Lilly, Uppsala University Sweden, EATG, AstraZeneca, EURORDIS, EMA, IMI and Bayer. A mix of plenary and breakout sessions made up the dynamic programme, and the trainees came prepared with many questions and insights to share throughout the week.
As this training is the last of the current EUPATI project, there was much discussion and focus on the future opportunities for the EUPATI fellows. The trainees were very enthusiastic about the release and dissemination of the web-based educational toolbox, hosting educational material in English, Italian, Spanish, Polish, German, French and Russian.
With the upcoming final graduation ceremony for the 100 EUPATI Fellows coming up in December, everyone on the EUPATI Team is thrilled with the success of the Patient Expert Training Course and is looking forward to moving forward as an EPF-led initiative in 2017.
Contact person:
Walter Atzori, Director of Programmes and Operations