Updates on the Joint Action CHRODIS

The Joint Action on Chronic Diseases (CHRODIS), a project where EPF is a partner, is really moving ahead. Its recently launched video Chronic Diseases are Everyone’s Business, describes how this Joint Action paves the way for better health policies across Europe and show what we can do to reduce the burden of chronic diseases.
In October, CHRODIS organised different workshops aiming to identify, validate, exchange and disseminate good practice on chronic diseases across EU. As usual, EPF was present at those events to bring the patients’ perspectives and values in the discussions.
On 20-21 October, EPF Programme Officer Valentina Strammiello attended a workshop entitled Diabetes: a case study on strengthening health care for people with chronic diseases. The aim of this workshop was to update partners on the development of activities, to exchange experiences and plan next actions. The meeting was also an opportunity for a brainstorming which was moderated by Ellen Nolte and Erica Richardson from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (WHO). The two are collaborating with Jelka Zaletel (Slovenian Public Health Institute) and CHRODIS in the production of a Policy Brief on National Diabetes Plans. The publication is one of the deliverables foreseen in the CHRODIS work package on the Diabetes case study. This Policy Brief will serve as a mean of broader understanding of policy making.
On 28 October, EPF Policy Officer Laurène Souchet participated to the CHRODIS Expert Meeting on multimorbidity alongside experts from academia and healthcare practitioners. The meeting addressed the main issues surrounding multimorbidities in order to propose core components for the management of patients with co-occurrence of multiple chronic diseases. The core components where selected after a literature review on assessed interventions targeting multimorbidity that was carried out by CHRODIS work package on multimorbidity. Experts exchanged views on key topics of interest to patients such as integration of care, and self-management. The meeting was a very valuable step forward to define the core components, which will be a key deliverable of the CHRODIS work package on multimorbidity.
Contact: EPF Programme Officer, Valentina Strammiello, valentina.strammiello@eu-patient.eu and EPF Policy Officer, Laurène Souchet, laurene.souchet@eu-patient.eu.