Towards an official recognition of the Patients’ Rights Day?

The Active Citizenship Network (ACN) organised a conference in the European Parliament on 12 May 2015 to call for the institutionalisation of Patients’ Rights Day. EPF supports continued efforts by ACN as it complements our work, together with our members, on advancing patients’ rights.
Representatives from the European Commission, academics, health professionals and the industry, followed each other on to the podium with one common message: patients’ rights to access healthcare and to dignity are none- negotiable.
Antonio Gaudioso, Secretary General of Cittadinanza, underlined the importance of cooperation between stakeholders across the spectrum.
Nicola Bedlington, EPF Secretary General, pointed out the complementarity between ACN and EPF, with EPF’s constituency being patients diagnosed with a chronic disease or long-term conditions, and ACN looking at prevention and citizens’ health in general.
“We believe that activities surrounding the Day should be driven by patients’ organisations and reflect our values, to achieve the best possible momentum.” she said.
Maria Iglesia Gomez, Head of the Unit “Health Systems” from the European Commission’s DG SANTE, announced the publication of a European Commission’s study on patients’ rights, scheduled for October 2015. It recognises the importance of increasing the knowledge of laws, structures, procedures and mechanisms in place in the different Member States to guarantee patients’ rights,
This event was followed by a reception organised by Active Citizenship Network to inaugurate its Brussels office, rue Philippe Le Bon 46. EPF congratulates ACN on this step forward!
Contact: Nicola Bedlington, EPF Secretary General,